
Best Friends

The Champions Theme - Ellen Strauss
Gold - Ellen Strauss

I wrote this about a very good friend of mine who means more than the world to me. We went through some very trying times together, and some scars still remain. But I'll always love her.

Ellen Strauss

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of honor and love
A tale I know of close experience
From an angel bestowed upon me from above.

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of sorrow and guilt
A tale I know of close experience
Upon which all my foundations have been built.

I sing the champions theme this day
A tale of understanding and trust
A tale I know of close experience
Whose hateful words are light as dust.

I sing the champions theme this day
I sing it from my heart
I sing of the angel I know so well
The angel from which I shall never part.

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This is about a friend of mine whom I couldn't do without. She's the light in my night.

Ellen Strauss

A heart of gold will never rust
It is too precious and too fine
Those who know it think it to be
Sweeter than the sweetest wine.

More valuable than any treasure
Shining brighter than anything known
It's love is stronger than any weapon
Those who know it are never alone.

Nothing else like it on this earth
Hearts of brass and silver cannot compare
To the beauty and warmth it offers each day
And with it my soul shall never be bare.

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