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Show how much you care to your closest friends!
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Chelsea Reeves: for Jordon Today I found out my best friend was moving... It hurts me so bad when I think about how it is going to be in the future... Not only will she be in a different town but, a diffrent state. Before I find out she was moving I used to picture us in the future doing special stuff together. Like sharing a limo on the way to prom, her being the first for me to give her a ride in my new car, partying together on graduation night & stuff like that.. But now I look in the future & I relize we will never have those special moments.. Sure, I have other best friends but, when no one else would understand me I knew I could go to her and she would make me feel like all my problems had gone away after I was done talking to her... I never had a doubt in my mind that I couldn't trust her... Yea we had our fights like every friendship does but, in the end we would always come out together closer than we were before our fight. Jordan what am I going to do without you? Why did you have to leave me now when things were going so bad for me? Who am I going to talk to when no one else understands me? Jordan not leaving for a couple of more months... Until then I'm going to make our last days together our happiest... I love you Jordan.... Anon: for Brianne Hey Brianne this is for you: We've been true friends for eachother since that very day of September, Kindergarden through Sixth, we had the best of times, now you have to leave and I'm gunna cry, Brianne, I really don't wanna say "Good-Bye" :-{ Shannon : for Brittany, Nicole and Tyler A tribute to my friends Brittany, Nicole and Tyler, you 3 are the greates people I have ever known. You have been there for me in times of happiness and sadness and helped me outta hard situations. I love you guys sooooooooooooooo much and you guys mean everything to me! I will always be there to help ya! God bless you guys! Love always and forever, Shannon michelle adkins : for sheryl I didnt know you until 3 months ago and from there we became best friends, I have never had a friend like you and never want to loose you as a friend ifIi havent already, please be my best frined forever sheryl *monica*: for Andrea *My friend* Andrea, you have delt with me through thick and thin, and I give you my heart, from within. Thanx for being my friend and letting me know you'll be there 'till the end. I just want you to know that I love you!!!! Luv alwayz, *monica* Vicki Elix : for Jean This tribute is for my best friend Jean. You have always been such a big part of my life and who I have become as an adult. Your positive energy and zest for life have such an impact on all those around you. For 29 years, I have counted on your support and given you mine in return and I just wanted a way to thank you. I love you and miss you every day! Luv, Vic Deana : for Lauren My name is Deana and my friend Lauren means everything to me. We get along really good and we never fight. One time our other friend was trying to separate us by inviting Lauren to her house all the time and bribing her with different thing but Lauren told her that she doesn't like ehat she's doing and that she was going to stick with me because I care about her and she cares about me. She's the best friend ever! >P> sushil: for Jitu For Jitu my name is sushil,I want to thank my best friend Jitu for his friendship. I just cant imagine my world without him. He is the best. According to me "There are many people who know us, But only Best Friends Understand us. thank you jitu for knowing me. I will be always there for you, when ever you need me. Kimmy: for My Friends This is to all the people in my life who make me smile. Dedicated to Owen, Wankster, Shelly, Rich, Cindy, Little cheesesteak, Douggie and my babycakes...Freddy!! I love you all. Thanks for being such great friends and a wonderful boyfriend to me. Love always..kimmyzimmy... Berly: for AJ You are truly the meaning of friendship. You are the ulitmate best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my BoY! :) You stand beside me through thick and thin & are there everytime I need you. I could ask for anything more. We have so much fun together and there are even more good times to come! I love you, babe! Much Love! Judy: for Lina Bolivar Hey bubi! Friends like you only come once in a life time. You are an awesome person and I thank God everyday for bringing a friend like you into my life. I will always be true to you as a friend and be here as long as I live. Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief. I LOVE YOU (Pescadito)!! Rosa Torres My tribute to you Rosita! Your friendship means the world to me, u are not only a friend but like a second mother to me. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. You've always been there and I LOVE YOU for that. One sees much more in a friend. Janett Martinez. Hey mimi! Just wanted to let you know I will always keep you in my heart. I can't believe that we have been friends for more than 12 years! I will be there for you as long as you let me. Thank you for a long-lasting friendship. May this friendship of youth be the companion of our old age. I LOVE YOU! Mandy : for Kassie It's strange to think we have known each other forever and we are just now realizing what we mean to each other. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you and I wouldn't want to find out! Sometimes people live there whole life and never know what it's like to have a best friend, someone you could tell anything and always be able to depend on them! You always understand me and you know me almost better than anyone. I love having you for a friend, it brings a lot of joy to my life and makes things easier knowing your there! Thank you for giving me your friendship. You will have mine forever! Stefani : for Tana There will never be words to thank you for your unbelievable ability to love. You have become someone that I can lean on and depend on whenever I need you. I will always be thankful that God allowed me to have such a wonderful gift in my life. Thank you for the things that you have taught me - I learn from you every single day. Here for you always! Jennifer : for Leah my little engima :)~i've been trying to find a way to express to u how much u mean to me,and i dont think this will work either..ur my entire world, the life to my soul, ur the light that leads me,ur the best friend ever.the phrase "i love u" cannot measure to how i feel for u.ur the best thing that has happened to me.ill never leave ur side.thanks for being there.i love u so much!~ur little attachment:) Stacy : for Davis You are my best friend in the world and I love you to death. You have always been here for me when I need you and I will always be here for you. I will never forget all the great times we have had together. I am sure we will have lots more. You are the best and I am so thankful that we are friends. Stacy : for Casey,Erica, Jessica, Tara, Bryden and Racheal I would like to thank you more and moore, this thirtenth b'day I wasn't going to do anything. Me turning into a teenager was going to be a big nothing, but you guys cared enough to make it special. It was and i think always will be my favourite b'day ever. When I walked into that restruant that Fiday night and you girls said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" i felt more special thean i ever had before. I would also like to thank everyone else who tryed to come along I understand for not able to be there. And Casey a special thanks to you for organising it. I love you's and I always will, always always and always. Shannon : for Danielle Thinks for never giving up on me, and for not judging me by whats on the outside, thanks for looking inside and finding the good things about me on the inside. I know i can always count on you. Kimberley : for Kelli Keli you are the best friend that any one could ever ask for.I thank GOD every day for you.Please stay as sweet as you are always and forever.Love ya just like a sis . Anon : for Anon This truly is a story of how mush my best friend and I care about eachother . One day I was on the phone with my best friend which happens to be my step sister and she lives right down the street from me . Well anyway we were having a conversation and I was slicing bread , and sliced my finger . It was bleeding and it was cut very deep , she heard me screaming and ran all the way over to my house to fix everything . Right now my best friend is in St. Louis and I miss her very much . That is something that is forever stained inmy mind . I love my mejor amiga Anon : for Vicky Vicky, We were best of friends for years and i just want to let you know i still love you heaps. We had a big fight and we are no longer friends but in my heart we will still be friends forever. As we used to say "your the sister that god never gave me". Thanks for the great memories......Anon Gina : for Cheryl K. I'm 24 years old and I've had to move around a lot while growing up. I've never had a friend for more than a few years at a time. So, it's been difficult to bond with someone - someone that you feel as though you've known for years. She may not be a childhood friend and I may not have as many friends as others, but her friendship is all I really need. I love her and she knows that I'm sure. Noelle : for Amber Amber is my best friend. She always will be too. We have had a few disagreements but that's made a stronger friendship. I love her like a sister.
: forAngelica
My b.f. Angelica is like the #1 priority of my life
she makes me feel important and loved, and always knows how to cheer me up
when i am sad
i love her like a sister and dont know how i could ever live without her
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