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Show how much you care to your closest friends!
If you'd like to send in a tribute, please: make it short - max 5 lines include your name ..and send it to tributes@friendship.com.au [ Send to a friend! | Back to Short Tributes | Back to Tributes ] |
Yana: for Am My tribute is to my good friend Am. He is always there when i need him the most. We love talking to each other. I enjoy spending time with him. i prayed and wished for a friend like him and it came true. I still cannot believe it. Thanks for being my friend. Rebeka: for Matthew I never thought I could like a boy so much. Your always there for me and you always make me laugh. I love you. I love you as one of my Greatest friends ever. Your always there to hold my hand when I'm sad or scared or just when we're watching a movie. I hope that you going to public highschool and me staying homeschooled won't change our friendship. Thanks for everything. To the friend that helped to cheer me up, Who selflessly would give. Who shared my joys and every sorrow. To the friend that helped me live! Me: for katie and catherine u guys are my true friends i wish i didnt live so far away!..but i do and no matter what you'll always be my best friends...i love and miss u guys!..we've shared so many memories!!..i'll never for get you!!! 3..143..luv ME Alisia: for Crystal I have only known my mostest bestest friend since march we have been on holiday together twice and had a really wicked time im would like to let her know that she has been the bestest friend i have ever had and i will always be there for her :-D Chirag: for Chirag CHIRAG IS MY BEST FRIEND. HE MET ME WHEN I SAW MYSELF IN THE MIRROR FOR THE FIRST TIME. Nereyda: for Mary MARY, I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS WE WILL ALWAYS BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. IN YOU, I HAVE FOUND JOY, HAPPINESS, LOYALTY, AND TRUST. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE WHAT A WONDERFUL FRIEND YOU ARE. I MISS YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL. MARY, I HOPE YOU WILL ALWAYS COSIDER ME AS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND NEVER CHANGE. I'M GLAD I FOUND YOU IN MY WAY CAUSE YOU ARE THE PERSON I CAN TRUST, CARE ABOUT, AND LOVE LIKE A GREAT FRIEND. I WOULD NEVER LET OUR FRIENDSHIP GET RUINED. THANKS FOR BEING MY BEST FRIEND. I LOVE YA!!!!!!!! yázigi: for friends hi, dear friends of yázigi, you know that we love be with you and have class with you. A kiss for Debora, Andressa, Fernanda, Shana, Natalia, Ana. And a hug for Ricardo Luiz and Paulo Sumbul : for Katie katie, you are my best friend, and you always will be. We've been through hard times together, but somehow we always got through them. I have SO much fun with you, and you make me laugh everyday of my life, and you've just been there for me!! I love you for that, and I hope our friendship gets better and better. Thank you for just being there, and always having the time to help me out with everything! Love you dude, Sumbul. kevin and kristi : for Becca Becca. Thank you so much for being a wonderful friend and for just being there. I want you to know how very much I care about you and I can't wait for the day I can give you a real hug in person.Keep your chin up bella!!! I love you very much . Deneen Barajas: for Jennifer This tribute is to my friend Jennifer. She is the best friend I have had for 7 years now.I just wanted to let her know that she is such a good friend and I hope I never lose her as a friend. Amy Lundberg : for Amanda Amanda was my best friend in the whole world. We were always doing things together and we really were sisters. I always treated our friendship like there was a tomorrow until the one day that there wasn't a tomorrow. She died this past July and nothing has been the same without her. Knowing that we had all these fun times, yet hardly having anything to show for it is very trying and sad. Amanda was my world and now that she's not here it's hard to go on, but I know that every step I take and everything I do she is there watching over me. Minna : for Casey My tribute is for Casey because she's given me faith that that things are worth fighting for and worth believing in, because our friendship has proved that. She is truly my best friend because I know that I can turn to my side and find her there on any given day--good days AND bad. And that means a lot. LI Matthee LI: for Aan Lana Aan Lana: Wel, vir my is jy net die wonderlikste vriendin waarvoor 'n mens kan vra. Dankie vir die ongelooflike 11 jaar se vrienskap. Jy's die beste en jy's myne vir ewig. Baie lief vir jou. Leon Shelby Kale: for Brittni V. Thanks Brittni for always being there for me through friends and EVERYTHING!! When you and Rachel were still best friends, it seemed that we never even talked! But now, I'm VERY proud to say Shelby and Brittni, BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!! Rachel Burger: for Nick,CD, Liz, Steiner, Sam, Scott, Mac, and Ian I would just like to thank my best friend, nick, and tell him he means a lot to me and i wouldn't be here without him, love you babe. Also, to my peeps: CD, Liz, Steiner, Sam, Scott, Mac, and Ian. I love you guys thank you for being the bestest friends ever! Rachel Burger (Oak Park, IL) tina cb: for Jennifer i would like to tribute my best friend in heaven by saying nobody could ask for more in a friend, a sister, a confidant than my friend jennifer. even now she is smiling down from heaven. i miss you jen and i love you. thank you!! BFF Amanda Bundy: for Todd It is strange how things work out. Our friendship was immediate and because of that we've had some rough times. People thought I was crazy because there was something about you I just couldn't get enough of. Maybe it was the way you made me laugh and smile when I thought it wasn't possible. It could have been the way you cared about me and took interest in my feelings and always greeted me with a hug and an "I Love You"! Probably all those things. Even though our friendship seems perfect right now I am finding out that everyday that goes by makes me appreciate you more and it just seems to get better all the time. God has blessed me in so many ways and he has given me so many wonderful friends but this is far more than anything I had imagined a friendship could be. I can't imagine living the rest of my life without you. You put a whole new meaning to my life and the rough times, well, they just don't seem so bad with you there to hold my hand. I can't think you enough for what you have done for me financially, emotionally, and spiritually. You are "my one true friend" and I am very lucky and very thankful. No matter what the future might hold I want you to know that you have given me joy and filled my life in a way you could never understand. I love you and I will try, even if it takes forever, to be everything you are to me---MY BEST FRIEND! Thank you for showing me the meaning of true friendship! Your Best, Copper
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