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Show how much you care to your closest friends!
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Shellie: For Dominique Hey, girl! You define my happiness! I love you now and I'll love you forever. You have supported me through so much. I owe who I am today to you. Thank you for your hugs, prayers, and love. You are my angel and my light. I was lucky because God gave me my guardian angel and my best friend in one - you. I will always be here for you. My heart is yours and my love too. Nothing can separate best friends brought together by God. For better and for worst, you will always come first. I love you! 1432!!!
Danielle: For Josh Josh you have always been there for me. I know that I have hurt you but I have learned not to put anyone ahead of you. I love you so much that sometimes I can't even explain it. Nobody else is going to get in between our friendship. " I still think about you, I still dream about you, I still want you and need you by my side " I love you Josh. Love Always Danielle
Delaney: For Nicole I have a friend that has to be the best friend ever. Ok, she's not perfect, but she's close! She has lived next to me for about 6 years, and at first, we weren't really friends. But once we got to know each other, we were friends from there on. I just wanna send out a special hi to my bestest buddy Nicole Ball of Cold Lake Alberta! Hi and I luv ya!!!!!!!!Fr: LaNiEGet more from the Web.
Molly: For Alyssa My best friend Alyssa has only been my best friend for 8 months. The time with her has been some of the best in my life. She is silly, serious, mature, crazy..................... but most importantly my best friend. She's there every time I need her, She never once has turned her back on me. I'm there her for when her heart gets broken and there when it's opened back up again and she does the same for me. I dont think you could find a friendship more true than ours.
Deanna: For Mindy Mindy~ Thanks for being there when I needed you the most. Whenever I needed someone to talk to you were always there. And when people thought that I was different you still liked me for who I was. The reason that I am writing this is because I wanted to show my gratitude. Love Deanna
Kim: For Jim Hey Jimmy! I know i screwed you over and i m sorry i really want to be more than friends but if you want to take it slow we can!! Im soo sorry i love you so much!
Amanda: For Fatima I just want to thank a very dear friend for being there for me! She is the greatest friend a girl can ask for! She is always there for me when I need her the most. She can make me laugh, even when I didn't think it is possible. She gave me memories that will never fade and that I will hold close to my heart. I will hold our friendship always close to my heart and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and just being you.
Kim: For Amanda, Erika and Shell Amanda, Erika, And Shell, Hey guys just thought I'd let you know how great you guys are! You are so special to me and im glad i know you guys!! I'm glad you guys listen to me and are there for me and know I'll always be there for you! If friends are presents you give your self you guys are the best present I've ever gotten! LUV U ALWAYS!!
Molly: For Alyssa I have a best friend named ALyssa. She is there through thick and thin. We are your average American Girl best friend story. She is always there.....ALWAYS. It's never to late for me to call her and say "I need to talk" and she will listen without interuption! She can be silly and serious. She calls me and tells me word for word what her boyfriend told hre yesterday and he squel, or cry, or eat the entire fridge until her or me is over that cute guy anyway she is my best friend and I love her.
Anon: For Jess id like to thabk my best friend , jess. because she is always there 4 me and and makes me laugh and we get on really well, shes a really sweet , funny person and id like 2 say thank u !!1
Sheng: For Isabel I'm so glad that I have her as my friend...my sister...and ny bestfriend!!! having her really makes me thankful to our Lord...not only have I found a friend but a treasure as well...I just hope that our friendship will last as long as we live...I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!
Lanie: for Nicole I have a friend that has to be the best friend ever. Ok, she's not perfect, but she's close! She has lived next to me for about 6 years, and at first, we wern't really friends. But once we got to know each other, we were friends from there on. I just wanna send out a special hi to my bestest buddy Nicole Ball of Cold Lake Alberta! Hi and I luv ya!!!!!!!!
Crystal: for Adam To Adam. Hey just wanted to tell you THANKS for being a best friend, and caring for me all the way. I well never forget you and hopefully you well never forget me.. I LOVE YOU Crystal Cantu
Jamie: for Katie and Chris This is for my friend katie who is a special part of my life. I don't know where i would be with out you:) Also for a special friend named Chris who passed away on February 28, 2001 in a car accident. I miss you so much. No matter what i am always thinking of you and where ever i look i have a memory of you. I love you Chris. R.I.P
Micheal: for Kara, Janie, & Jordan I have 3 best friends. There names are Kara, Janie, & Jordan. Jordan- u r so cool. U have a gr8 sense of humor!!! lol Janie- I think u r a gr8 friend I dont know what I would without u! Kara- U r so cool! Thanxs 4 goin 2 camp w/ me. We have a lot of fun 2gether!
Jennifer: for David David- David u r the coolest, cutest (lol), & funnyist guy I know!!!!!! Im sure Trisha is happy with u 4 a BF ( I wish u were mine though) U r the best Jennifer
Shellie: for Dominique For: Dominique You are my angel and my light! I never knew what a true friend was until you entered my life. When you entered my life, you entered my heart and completed it. You have had more courage facing the trials in my life than I have. You held my hand and guided me through. We have shared so many sweet memories I will always treasure and I look forward to those to come. There is no doubt in my mind you are a gift from God. I thank Him for you everyday. No matter where we go, our hearts will be connected. No one can separate what God blesses together. You define my happiness! With all my love: Shellie
Lulu: for all my great friends out there TO MY ANGELS WHO HELP ME FLY AGAIN From Lulu: to all my great friends out there Nushi, we hav been friends since goodness knows when...and we're still standing! People hav always been amazed that even though we hav both completely different tastes, we are best friends. Isn't it amazing how opposites attract? You may not be here in the future, but I know that ur friendship still will linger on, no matter what, right?! I wish u all the best in both ur normal and love life... thanx babe! Naomi, we met in 7th grade and I could never get ur name right, could I? U and ur family hav been very kind inviting me over to all those parties, and introducing me to James, Nicky, Hannah and the so many others...I'm also proud that part of ur lovely clean porch is mainly to do with moi and my (a-hem) painting 'skills'!!! Say hello to ur mum, dad, Claire and Bobo the cat. Love u guys! Danni, let's not the singing thing get between us, but I'm know it never will...let's live our dream no matter what, and not let any 'Britneys' of this world (u know who im talking about!) stand in our way! We haven't known each other long enough to get on eachothers nerves, but whatever happens, you ll always be my friend! Don't let the theory kill u! and last, and the least...(joke) Julia, remember when we couldn't stand eachother back in 8th grade? We were always fighting, especially in PE lessons! Boy...that seems like ages ago...Then are friendship flower bloomed on the set of our school play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and the rest is history! Natalia and Mike, (with a little help from Bebe, the bilingual dog who sits when u say 'lie down!' or something like that...) have been mad to take me out to all those restaurants, and to the cinema several times! I must admit, it was really scary when u fainted during drill on Nov 11th 2001, as I thought I had lost u, along with Toy, Liv and Lou. But u are strong and will go on...Here I have a message for you, in your native tongue... Thank you to all those angels, who over the years have helped me to use my wings again.
Jennifer: for all my friends to all my friends, thanks for being there for me. when I'm going through a stressful time,you are there supporting me. thanks to all my wonderful friends.
Stephanie: for Phil and Ben "Have you ever wondered which hurts more? Saying something and wishing you hadn't, or not saying something and wishing you would have?" About 2-3 years ago I switched schools. I switched from a private school to a public one. I was not forced to switch, I made my own decision. A minority of my class at the private school was social with me, and the few that were, were not close enough to consider them as best friends. I never thought I would be able to open up to another human without fear of rejection or humiliation, until I met Phil. We had some of the same classes and we were both on the swim team but I never really met him, and got to know him for about a year after I first had class with him. One of my closest friends moved away that winter and I felt as though part of me was missing. Phil filled that gap. He would call me just to talk, for no reason in particular, just to talk. It was not a love at first sight deal. At the time I just wanted to know more about him and the more I knew the more I liked. Everyday that was possible we would walk over to the pool and just swim together. We would talk more than swim. Even so I never told him. When we went to enter high school he told me he liked me. I felt faint for the few days following and could barely eat. Our conversations became fewer and shorter. I rarely ever saw him at school. I felt as though nothing was going to happen between us. After about a month I tried to convince myself that he didn't like me like that anymore and I should just move on with my life. So I did. I found Ben. Ben and I would talk about subjects from math to his ex-girlfriend, and from PE class to Phil. Then I did the stupidest thing possible, I tried to rush Phil. I got scared that if I didn't I would lose him forever. I ended up hurting Phil more than I can even imagine. It was a very complicated matter and it came down too the fact that I felt too inferior to Phil. He is extremely smart, and extremely talented in many ways he deserves someone who can keep up a conversation with him. I didn't/don't meet those requirements. Ben and I went out for a while but things didn't work out. I miss Phil more than ever. I don't regret going out with Ben, if that is what you are thinking. I just wish I wouldn't have had to have lost Phil. I have told him this but he hasn't said anything to me about it, we haven't talked about it like we normally would have. So at this point in time I have not only lost a relationship of a lifetime but also my best friend.
Nikki: for all my friends To all my friends.....I just wanna thankyou,i know i can be a stubborn little viper at time sand i know i have THE WORST temper and if im upset i'll often take it out of all of you........but i truly luv each and everyone of you and if i lost any of you, i dunno if i could go on :S For Emily, Emma, Michael, Becky, Hayley, Marie, Lauren, Danielle (Barbie, Dazzle, Gypsy, Nutter, whatever!), Lydia, Kirsty and more than likely Sarah Luv Nikki XOXO
Ashley: for Holly holly u are a great friend and I love u and i want u to know that we will be friends forver and always and im very glad we are friend. love ashley
Pamela: for Dawn Valentines Day Tribute to Dawn-2002 Meeting friends through the internet sounds so scary to some people- They don't understand how you can have anything in common or how you can really trust yourself with them They haven't met YOU! You have made my life so much easier the past four years- Through the birth of our little june bugs, the dissolution of old friendships, the start of our new business adventure, the death of my mom you have been there for me! You have made me laugh when I needed to laugh and you have let me cry when I needed to cry- You know how to lift my spirits when I feel they are so far down they will never *see* up again It is so hard to express what is in my heart But from the bottom of my heart I want to Thank You! Thank you for always being here for me when I need someone to talk to and please know that if you ever need a friend I will always be here for you! I love you! Pam
Lisa: for my husband I want to let my husband (whodo "nick name" ) who is also my best friend how much i love and thank him for all he has done for me and my children. When he married me, he also married 3 children, and he had always treated them as he would his own, and they love him for that, so do I. He has made our live wonderful, I have a good husband, and my children have a good doddy, no one could ask for more. I love you, my sweet husband and friend. Love Lisa
Anon: for Jeromey Jeromey... you are my best friend, I'm always here for you! I LOVE YOU!
Christine: for Brian A friend is someone that you can be with and not worry about what they think about you or what theyll say about you behind your back, a friend is someone that will always be honest with you no matter what, a friend is someone u can trust with anything, even your life, and a friend is someone you can love with your heart and not have it be broken ever....Brian is a true friend. I met Brian my sophmore year through another friend of mine.He was a junior. We got along great and actually stared seeing each other. I liked him so much and he liked me the same. But he was an athlete going in his senior year and he was getting ready for college so we broke up. He told me that we would always be friends and he didn't lie. We still talked everyday and hung out all the time. He became almost like an older brother figure in my life. I told him everything and he told me everything. If we had a problem he would fix mine and i would fix his. Although at the time I never realized what a good friend he was until the worst day of my happened. I was dating this kid I didnt even really like and i was breaking up wit him. My plan was to go to this "get together" and tell him to his face because it was (what i thought) the mature thing to do. That was the first mistake, even going to the party. We'll to make a long story somewhat short, he somehow found out I was going to dump him and didn't like that too much, and anyways that night at the party he and his friend beat and raped me. That night I went back to the girl's house who I was with, I didn't tell any of the girls what happened because it was the first time I ever hung out with them out of school and I couldn't trust them. I didn't know what to do. The first thought that came to my head was to call Brian. I called him and he was sleeping and told me to call him tomorrow and that he was sorry but he was sick. I understood, so i hung up and went to bed . The next day I called my dad at eight thirty in the morning to come and get me because we had a family party that day. I didn't tell him what had happened, I was too embarrassed. Well i got home and at ten thirty Brian called me and asked me what happened and I began to tell him and he stopped me and told me that he was coming to pick me up. So i hung up and ten minuetes later Brian was at my house unshowered and smelly. We left my house and went for a ride and I told him again what happened and we cried together. He tried to get me to tell my parents but I couldn't I was too afraid. I made him promise me that he wouldn' tell anyone and he didn't and still hasn't unless I told him it was alright first. And he was there for me from that point on. When ever I needed him he was right there for me even if he was busy. Then one day I was at work and I was a mess because I thought these scum bags got me pregnant. So I called Brian and he came and got me and we rode around again just talking. And then he said "Look, No matter what I am here for you, and Im going to be here for you no matter what happens, but we have to tell someone" And i refused because how do you tell your parents that?? Anyways, he started crying and I was too and he looked away, thats when we both realized that what was happening was real. So I said fine bring me back home and Ill tell them. And he said Ill go with you okay? And i said shockingly you will? And he said sure, the only way Im not going to be is if you tell me not tells me though the same thing whenever I tell him its ok if he wants to back out, he says "I told you that no matter what I am here for you and we are a team now". Because of everything hes done for me I now KNOW what a tue friend is. And I have so much respect for him. When noone else was there for em he stepped in, and when all odds were against me he helped me through it and stayed supoorting me until this day and Im sure forever. He's taught me what real friendship is and what love is. I have never met anyone in my lifetime so far, that has been like Brian,someone that would actually do something like Brian did for me. If it weren't for him I would not be here today. I would probably be dead because I couldn't do it on my own. Someone who is brave enough to go out of their way and help you like Brian helped me is a true friend. I only hope that one day I can repay Brian, somehow.
Kim: for Mia my name is kim g. and i have the bestest friend in the world and i wonted to tell everybodt that mia t. is my keyword my bestest friend i hope we will stay friends!
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