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Cards & Gifts: Friendship Bands

We offer lovely friendship bands in a variety of cheerful colors - a perfect gift for friends! Each band has a raised pattern woven into its style, and comes in several colors. They tie up to suit any size and can be worn on the wrist or ankles. Better still, all the money raised goes towards supporting The Friendship Page! These beautiful bands are $2.45 each + postage.
*** Please note, no new deliveries can be made before 12 August 2007 due to high demand.

"The bands which I received were bright and colourful, and my friends loved them!! It's a nice gift to remind your friends how special they are to you!" - Deborah, United Kingdom.


< click button to order bands!     
< click button to order bands!

  1. Just click on the appropriate 'Add to Basket' button above to order with Paypal's safe and secure credit card facilities. We suggest ordering several at once, to give to all your friends and save on postage too! 
  2. You will be asked to enter your billing and postage details. We will happily send you a surprise mixture, but if you wish to specify particular colors, do so in the "Additional Instructions" section during the process.
  3. Upon payment, we'll post your beautiful friendship bands straight to you! Postage time varies but is generally within 1 week for Australia and 2 weeks everywhere else.

If you wish to pay by cheque or money order, please Contact Us with the number of bands and your mailing address, including country.  Then post your payment to our Mailing Address.

If you have any questions, please contact us. Yes, we supply large orders up to 10,000 - just ask! Enjoy your beautiful friendship bands!! :)

'The Friendship Page: Cards & Gifts' copyright © Global Friendship 1996-2007
Last updated: | Visitor number: since March 2005.