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Show how much you care to your closest friends!
If you'd like to send in a tribute, please: Thanks to Martin for his help updating this section! :) |
To Brittany From Sarah Brittany has always been there for me no matter what. She is my guardian Angel, and I am hers. Weather she knows it or not I have always and always will love and care for her no matter what. Without her my life would not be the same. And the problem in life isn't dieing for a friend, it's trying to find a friend to die for and I have found that friend. I want to make a tribute to my best friend of 13 yrs. Her name is Ashley and she has helped me conqour all of lifes obstalces I have been faced with. When I need her no matter where she is or how late it is she is there. I love her so much and will do anything for her, and i want her to know that. From her BEST FRIEND Nicole When I began the year I got into allot of trouble, I was failing my classes. soccer season began and that is when I met her, the ones I feared all along, the seniors on the team. Tammy was different, she motivated people, and most of all she motivated me. on my bad days she picked me up and on good days, she was there. When I needed a friend, she was there, when I needed advice she helped me do what was right. I just can never thank her enough. So Tammy as you graduate this year, don't forget how much you influenced people here in high school. I will miss you greatly, but know that you will go so far in life! I would like to send this tribute to my best friend Katie. I met Katie this year when we played soccer together. She is kind, thoughtful, caring, sincere, and most of all understanding. If not for having her in my life these past 11 months I might not be where I am right now. I went through some pretty hard times and she was always there for me in the good and bad times. For that I thank her and love her not for the person she is but for the friend she has been to me. I will be leaving for college in 7 days and saying bye to Katie is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I feel like I am leaving someone who understands me better than myself sometimes and its different realizing I am not 15 minutes down the road anymore but instead four hours. It is tearing me up inside right now as I know it is her to but I have no regrets b/c I know no matter how far apart we are I will love her and be there for her the same as I always have. Katie I hope you have a great senior year and may all your dreams come true. Love Always and Forever Your Best Friend Jess My Husbands family is on the web and they are terriffic to me.Linda,Luci,Bettie and Terrie.They are all my friends and I value there friendship and Love.Thanks for everything girls! Danika is my best friend and she means the world to me. I would walk to the end of the earth if it meant pleasing her. She has been there for everything and has always lended her shoulder when I needed it. Danika if you read this, you will always be my very best friend, please don't forget it. I am going to miss you so much next year. Luv Chookie my dearest koni!!!!!!!!!!!! tumi amar sabcheye priyo bandhu, ebong aro anek kichhu......... tumi jano! "samasto din-er sheshe jakhon shishir-er shabder mato sandha name..." takhon ami tomar sapne ghumiye pari.............. abar sakal-e ghum theke uthi tomar aloy............. amar anek anek bhalobasha tomay dilam.....ta ta. SouBHik True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls, forever, and always.....dancing on our stage of memories. Lori, you're the poet in my heart, I am richer for having had you in my life. I miss sweet friend...until we meet again. To Lori, she left this life 4yrs. back....... taking my heart as well. I love you........Shawn Somer Dawn~ What can I say? We have always been my number one friend since I moved to NG and I never knew it! Now that we have finally realized how strong our friendship is, there is no doubt it will continue to grow! Thanks for always being there for when when I needed someone. You are the only one who truly understands me in NG! I love you gurl and I'm glad we are best friends now! Susan~ You are truly my best friend and you know that! Without you, I would have nothing. Whenever I need someone, you are always there for me. Whether we laugh, cry, or sit there silent we always enjoy each other! We have had our rough times, no doubt but through it all, we've stayed the best of friends! Even though we are now miles apart, I still love you gurlie! I will always cherish our friendship! To Justin Cummins: You moved away, I miss your friendship. You beat me up, I miss that too. But most of all, what means the most, I miss you. If you ever read this, which I'm sure you will not, I miss your wisdom, which I have sought. From Lana Tyson LISA I have a specail bestfriend,she's specail to me becouse before I met her my life was empty it felt like something was missing.Now I've found her my life has never been happier.Thank-u samara for being my bestfriend,and I'll always be there what ever u choose in your life.love always. The friendship I share with my best friend Monique means so much to me, because she is always there whether I need to ask her advice, get an opinion or just blow off steam! She understands where I'm coming from and always respects my opionion even when if different from hers. I know I can count on her to listen without being judgmental and to give me the kind of feedback I need to sort things out. She's not afraid to ask questions or express her real feelings which helps me keep things in balance. We've really shared so much! I like the way we can talk about so many things...laugh about some, cry about others.....and I especially like the way it feels to know I can count on her as a real, TRUE friend!!!! To Nick and Mary - you both have always been there for me no matter. Without you two, I wouldn't be the person I am today. We've had some great times too. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. Thanks for just being my friends. -Cassie Aaron, We have got to know eachother a lot better these last 6 months and I would like to let you know that I have incredible feelings of love and friendship for you. I love spending time with you and thanks for putting up with me. Love, Kristie xxoo For Erika Easy going Radiant and radical Intelligent Kind, caring, and compassionate Amazing Erika is the kind of friend that everyone wants. She is always there if you need a shoulder to cry on. Anyway I just wanted Erika to know how much I appreciate her. LOVE britt. Dear Kara, You are the best person that I have ever met! You have always been there for me through thick and thin. I am going to miss you sweetheart very much. I intend on staying in touch during our absence. Good Bye, good luck and God bless. From Kim Krisitn~ you have been my bestfriend for a while now. I have been blessed with somone like you. You give me a shoulder to cry on someone to talk to or just when I need a friend. Your a impact on my life forvever.Thanks for the best gift which is you and your friendship...<3 ya steph LISA I have a specail bestfriend,she's specail to me becouse before I met her my life was empty it felt like something was missing.Now I've found her my life has never been happier.Thank-u samara for being my bestfriend,and I'll always be there what ever u choose in your life.love always. That very special friend of mine has a lot more meaning then that. My hero! My guiding light! The one true friend that I have that completely understands me. When I am down or in trouble, she is the one friend I know I can count on. For everything i have said or done wrong to her I am truly so sorry. Words can never take away the pain that i have caused, but no matter what I know I will always have a friend. Without her I know where I would be. Thank you my friend! Words just can't express this enough. Thank you Kari!!! By: Krista To Kelly, I love you so much. Even though we've only been friends for 2 years, we've been through a lot. Every day I share with you means so much to me. You've helped me so much through everything I've been through and made me feel so great about myself. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and am going to miss you when I move! Thank you so much for putting up with me! I love you, Kel lilly (Lindsay Watson) They say true friends are sometimes hard to come by. Not in my case. MY FRIEND kATIE has been THERE FOR ME THROUGH EVERYTHING. Her laughter brings a smile to my face....her smile brings a joy to my life. She is one of the only people in my life who have really changed me in many ways, positiveways of course. I thank you Katie for everything you have done for me, I will never forget you and I hope our friendship last always and forever. Your best friend, Holly I'd like to send a tribute to one of my older friends Peggy. I have not known you long at all yet it seems as if I have known you for ever. I feel so comfortable talking to you. You make me feel like I am an awesome teenager.I thank the Lord for you every morning when I wake up,before I go to sleep and every time I get to talk to you. I am always so happy when I get to be around you.No one knows how awesome it is to have you as my friend&my "mom"! I am so blessed!I hope you think as much of me as I do you!I LOVE YOU "MOMMY"love always your "daughter" This is a Tribute to my best friend, She is the funnest person I have ever met. She always makes me happy and makes me laugh, we've had soo many good times! I could not imagine High school without her helping me with all my problems and being rebellious with me :) she means so much to me and i know we'll be friends forever. My friend and I are both sick, but we tolerate each others bad moods, gripes and husbands. And you know what will not change this. Gina LIFE IS A GAMBLE I would like to tribute this to my very best friend Kimberly. She has always been there for me when I need her the most. When things got rough she always seemed to make me smile. I just want to tell her thanks and I think of her as my very own sister. Thanks Kimberly!!! Katie, Tressa, Jessica, and Krista, I don't know what I would do w/out you all, Your always their when I need you. When I need someone to talk to I know I can turn to you. We've had our share of arguments but what friends haven't. I love you guys more then I could express to you. Thank you for always being their when I need a friend. Samara is my bestfriend she is the best bestfriend anyone could ever have.I'm so lucky to have her as a friend she's popular at school and sometimes I think how lucky I am because she picked me over everyone.I'm sorry samara for all the fights I started between us and I love u bestbuddy. My best friend is Alma Guerra. She only been there for me when I cry or hurt. I always been there for her too. We have been friends for long time. We always trying to make each other to smile and laugh. We are very TRUE FRIENDSHIP! Nobody can really be true friendship like us. I love you girl!!!! Hi, My name is Kasey and I wanted to send a frienship tribute to my special friend...Ms. Iris. Our friendship is really odd because she is 30 yrs older than me. We worked together last summer and we just clicked immediately! Its so awesome! She's like my 2nd mom and we're still gettin' closer! Hi I have A Friend her name is Daniela, and she is one of the most important people in my life. I've known her since 6th grade and it's goin to be 5 years since we've been friends. Theres isn't anything I wouldnt do for her. I Love her to death, there isn't enough ways to show her how much I love her and care about her. She's Moving Soon to North Carolina, and I'm gonna miss her every day without her being here like she always was. But I know she wont be here but our friendship will always be. Daniela, I Love you as a friend and just like another sister, I'll never forget you and thank you for Every Single Thing youve done since ive known you. Love Ya!!!!!! Lee, I just want to tell the world what a beautiful, sweet, loving person and friend you are! You mean so much to me; don't forget me next year! I love you! To my friend: Jen3, Hey sweetie! Thank you for taking me in when I had no place to go and tell your family the same. And also thank you for being a great friend to me. I'm sorry for all the fights we had cuz I know a lot of them were caused cuz I was such a b****! But when it was all said and done, I will always remember our fun times, especially our California adventure! I will always be there for you, no matter what. I know we don't spend much time together anymore, but I will still be your friend to the end! Don't forget about me, if you need to talk, just call...you know the number. I love you!!! Love always There is this certain friend named Ellen. This past yr. we have been through so much. Right of the bat we became best friends and made it through every obstacle together. I just want to thank her for always being there for me. Next yr. though we will be splitting up, As i go to Choate and she goes on to Lyman Hall, I will remember every moment we spent together. I LUV YA SO MUCH:Þ!!! Christina or should I say "Superstar." We have been through a lot in the last year or so. You have done a lot for me and I thank you so much for that. Friends like you don't come around very often. You are one of my best friends. Don't forget me. I love you! "Friends are friends for ever if the Lords the Lord of them." I love you. Your The Only One To: Mishawn Fr: Kabao You were the only one to cheer me up, play with me, and talk to me. But now your gone. I don't have anyone totalk with, playwith, and cheer up. I realy miss you, even though your're gone, your're still my best FRIEND. You were the only one. Jade, Thanks for all of your support you have given me, it really means a lot. I am so greatful for our friendship. I want you to know that i love you from the bottom of my heart. Love Ya Forever, Jackie
I submitted my poem Friend of the Soul for my soulmate/best friend, whom I have been reunited with only recently, in this lifetime. She is a wonderful and caring friend who has helped me trust again and be ready to live again. The poem was written for her in order to express how she makes me feel. I have a friend so close half of it is invisable. Always every day I wait to see the wonderfull person you have become. Every day I make sure I can get even the smallest of all conversations with you. It would break my heart so much to see you geting involved with someone else, but at the same time I want to keep a safe ditance, so I can keep the friendship that we have to go on forever. You dont know how much you meen to me. More than words could say. Knowone could take your place no for a single day. God couldnt give me more of a gift to have such a great friend as you (Mallory.) I love you like a sister.Your the best thing in my life. If I lost you as a friend I would be sick because your part of my life. You changed my life. You are the best friend a friend could have. Knowone in the world is like you or not even close. Thanks for being such a great friend. There's not enough words to express what my best friend means to my life, I can only attempt to say what's in my heart. Friends they come and go but true friends are a rare jewel and in Bobbie I have found that jewel. She came into my life at a time I felt all alone and very afraid of what my future held but with her selfless caring and thoughtfulness she really saved my sanity and my faith in people. I admire her and her strengh and I love her very much. Each day I think our friendship grows deeper and stronger because of the respect we have for each other. I have to Thank her for always being there and always understanding, even when I wasn't sure I understood myself. I hope that I can be the type of friend she deserves. Love you bud and Thank you for all the smiles you brought to my face and the happiness you brought to my heart. Aaron, Our relationship has changed alot over the past year. I have an incredible amount of respect and love for you and our friendship. Thanks for putting up with me! :-) Without my bestfriend growing up would have not been the same, over the years we have shared so much together and we have built such a strong, precious and lasting friendship. With her I can laugh, cry, say whats on my mind or not speak at all. With her it easy to be myself! I hope that all the love and blessings she brings to my life I can return to her! She is my very best friend forever and ever!! This is to a very good friend of mine. We have had some very rough times, but through it all she has been there for me. She is like a special angel. I don't know what I would without her. From the bottom of my heart thank you Kari. Mel, you have always been a true inspiration to my life. It's not everyday that the person who inspires you most in life is also the person who you have as a best friend. We truly are "sisters" and no matter what you ever do in your life, I will always stand behind you and support you to the fullest. Thank you for always loving me, supporting me, inspiring me and agreeing with me on "limitations!" I love you "B." Linds, You are the greatest friend that I can ever wish for. I'm so thankful God has blessed me with such a caring, funny, and thoughtful best friend! We've shared a lot of good times, and all those memories will always remain in my heart. I love you lots! My best Friend is Claudia. She is always there for me. We went to the same nursery school all the way through, the 8th grade and now she is going to a different school for the first time ever. I love her so much. Our preschool teachers even said that we crawled to each other all the way across the playground. We were destined to be best friends. Thats what we like to think. JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND AND OUR FRIENDSHIP MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. PLEASE DON'T LET THAT CHANGE WHEN.............YOU KNOW WHAT. JAN Abby, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME AND FOR BEING THE ONLY ONE THAT I CAN TURN TO FOR ANYTHING!!! I LUV YA I would like to make a tribute to my best friend ever....Ryan....I know that you are dead and I hope in a better place. You were always there for me when I needed you, through anything the good times and the really bad times...I just wish that it wasn't you in that casket yesterday that you could have been sitting next to me crying with me...I know that you were looking down on all of us at your funeral and maybe you were even there with us...Your funeral was so had...But I made it through knowing that you have wanted me to keep going strong...You meant the world to me and always will...I hope you knew that, I am sure you did because every night when we get off the phone with eachother we both would say "I Love You" but until know I never knew how much those 3 simple words really meant to me...I really do love you Ryan and I miss you like hell...At 15 you were too young to die...Rest In Peace my Love -*Ryan June 25, 1984 - May 22, 2000*-...You were my best friend ever... We have surely made enough memories but not nearly as many as I wish we had of made.....I love Ryan Mark, You're my best friend in the world and I still believe I am the luckiest person alive for ever having met you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for simply being who you are, and I am so sorry for having hurt you. I want you to be part of my life from now until forever and hope that you'll let me be a part of yours. I love you Mark. To Chris- Why did you have to leave me so suddenly? I miss you everyday, everyday I wish you were still here to hold me and tell me that you loved me just ONCE again. But I can accept that your gone, I can accept that your dead. But babe don't for get about me because I will ALWAYS love you. n9~*I would like to make a tribute to my girls...We have been friends for what seems like forever, We have all been through so much in the last year and a half, our stupid fights, all of our own family problems,our venting nites, endless tears, and all the fun too...FNL!!! "the rutter bus is coming!!" We may have drifted in the last few months, for whatever reason, but I still love all of you!! Without you guys pushing me to go on,and teaching me how to be a good friend,I wouldnt be as strong as I am today. I want to thank you for being so awesome!! N94E!! LindsayX3,KatieX2,Jessica,Krystel,Lisa,and Nicky. ~LYLAS~ mwahhhhhh I just thought I would email you to ask you to put on your web site that Leanne and Louise are going to best mates forever!!!!
~Hey Nat~ I have recently made a true friend whose name is Susan. She is such a warm and wonderful person who always puts other people first. She is outgoing, funny and bubbly. She is a beautiful lady both inside and out. The first time i met her i knew that she would be my friend forever and i just want her to know how much i love her. I have a special friend that i have had for years. we have been through thick and thin together, happy times and sad times. she is the best always there for me. she has recently moved to another city and i miss her so much. i love her like a sister. we share everything with each other even things our husbands don't know about. i just can't ever imagine life without her. Her name is Cathy. I have a friend named Yolando who lives in Toronto. She trained me and showed me how to do certain stuff at work. I want to thank her for everything she has done for me and I miss working with her. We always made each other laugh and she loves to dance. She always made sure that I took it easy and sat me down when I was cleaning. Jewell you are my best friend. You saved me from myself and I owe you the world. Never forget! Having you for a best friend is better than anything else. I love you as I walk in uncomfortable shoes. Thanks. I want to give this tribute to my BFF Jenine! Me and her have been together side by side since kingerdarden and I love her with all my heart! We've been thru tears, fights, guys...and went from crayons and pig tails to purfume and make up! I mean she means so much to me and I dunno what I would do without her!! Just thinking about graduating from grade 12 next year makes me cry cuz I dont wanna leave her side...Were planning on living together when we go to university..but what if that dont happen!?!? Well Jenine I love you! And We will ALWAYS BE FRIENDS! AmANDA AND JeNINE FrIeNDS FOREVeR To Chris- Why did you have to leave me so suddenly? I miss you everyday, everyday i wish you were still here to hold me and tell me that you loved me just ONCE again. But I can accept that your gone, I can accept that your dead. But babe don't for get about me because i will ALWAYS love you.
I would like to thank AUTUMN McQUEEN, HOLLI ANN HUBBARD, CASEY NICOLE MERRITT AND BLAIR PARSONS. For always been there for me. We've had realy stupid fights but overall we really love each other. I have a friend who I have known since kindergarten and her name is Athena. We've had so much fun together throughout the years. We have been through a lot with each other like fights, tears, and even hilarious moments. As our final year of high school ends; and we may not see each other every day, the memories will never leave me because I will always love her, and she will always have a special place in my heart. I want everyone to know how special my momma is to me. What makes her so special is that she's not my real mother, but still she's there for me and loves me just as if I were her own. She's my best friend in the world, and I'd like to make this tribute to her and wish for everyone to have a friend just like her. This is to the Class of 2000 at Mona Shores! We did it, we actually did it! Can you believe it? For these last years of high school, we have thinking about how great it would be to finally graduate and get out of this school. But as it actually happened, we all realized, this will be one of the saddest times in our life. How do you say good-bye to the people you have shared everything with for so much of your life? There's only one thing I can think to say: I love you all!!! A special good-bye to the "party crew": Elaine Castillo, Naomi Parker, Jon Scott, Deanna Wilcox, Xavier Western, Allen Schoonbeck, Anthony Richardson, and of course, Colin Kingsbury. "School's out for ever!!!" Sandy- you have been there for me through the hard times. And I know I hurt you. But I am sorry. And you are the strongest person I have in my life. You have a impact on me. And I haven't told you latley after the fight. I really do care about you. Well, I want to tribute this to five girls that are VERY special to me! Lauren, Reynella, Krystal, Melissa and Michelle......not only have they been there for me no matter what we have become so close that we are now more like sisters!! As eighth grade passes us up we are now going to have to say good-bye to two of them. Even though it tears us up everytime it is mentioned we know that the memories we have made since 3rd grade will ALWAYS stick with us. I just want to tell each of them no matter where we go I will never forget ya'll and I will always love each of ya'll and consider each of ya'll my best friends forever!! Laurie, I just wanted to say that I am lucky to have you as my best friend. You are always there when I need someone, and even when I dont. I will never forget the memories we have made and cant wait for the ones still to come. Even though we are far in distance right now, you are always with me and always will be. Love, Cole To my best friend, Jamie. Words can not express how much you mean to me. You were there for the hardest and the easiest times in my life. You understand what I say, even when I speak no words. No matter what we do or where we go in our lives, I will always depend on our friendship to get me through the rough spots, and to celebrate with me when things are going great. I love you!! Love, Deanna Jaimi~I don't know what I would have done without you this year. Thank you so much for everything. You've definitley been there through the good times & the bad (there were quite a few this year). Your a great friend! We'll be best friends forever! I luff ya hunny! Thanks! I would like to say that my best friend Allison means the world to me. We are gonna be Seniors in a few short days....Seniors...thats INSANITY. We've been through it all from broken noses to broken hearts. I hope that no matter where life takes us we are both happy. I will her the WORLD because she is a wonderful person and can conquer all her dreams! Heather, you are the best friend I could ask for. You have always been there for me. Remember that I will always be there for you no matter how far apart we are. Love you . Charla- I realize that you'll never be able to read this- but the small possiblity that you will- encourages me to write this. You are such a special girl. I feel so blessed that I got a friend like you. I miss you. I love you.
Geri we have grown so close in the past year. I will always remember the memories. Remember that I will be here for you whenever you need it. Just like you have been for me. I would like to take this time to give thanks to the best friend I have ever had. Tye, you are a better friend than I could have ever asked for or ever made up. You have surpassed all my expectations of what a best friend should be, and I want to thank you for being so incredibly awesome! You are just simply...the MAN! Thanks for being someone I didn't think existed...my true best friend. T. Tiffany, I love you more than I could ever hope to put into words. No matter what happens, no matter what tries to tear us apart, you will always be my sister, my hero, my everything and more, and you will always be in my heart. I can't believe I've only known you for a year-it seems like it's been forever, and yet not long enough. I don't care where you go or what you do; I'll never, ever stop loving you or being there for you. I have the strength inside of me now...all thanks to you, whom I love more than anyone or anything else. I just want to say thanks to my bestest friend in the world! Without her I'd have no one to drool over Darren Hayes with! Thanks Stack! love & peace I would just like to say.. I love you like a sister Samie... and I miss u where ever you are...friends forever... u still live on....
I HAVE A FRIEND AND HER NAME IS KRISTA! I HAVE A FRIEND AND SHE'S GOOD TO ME! I HAVE A FRIEND AND SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND! I HAVE A FRIEND AND LUCKY LUCKY ME!!!!!!! THAT IS A POEM FOR MY BESTEST BUD IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to tell you about my 4 best friends. We call ourselves the Fab Five. We've had so much fun together throughout the years, and the inside jokes still keep on coming. I guess none of us could explain how close we are to each other. Now as 8th grade graudation nears closer by each coming month, we fear losing each other, but I know we can make it through, we've made it through fights, tears, school, guys, even someone trying to get into our hotel room with a chain saw! Although we might not see each other every day in high school, the memories will never leave us, and we will always be the Fab Five, to the very end. I WOULD LIKE TO PUT UP A TRIBUTE TO MY FRIEND AARON! HE'S A GOOD GUY! HE TEASE'S ME BUT I KNOW HE'S ONLY KIDDING AROUND AND I TEASE HIM BACK!!!!!!!HE WAS NICE ENOUGH TO GIVE ME HIS E-MAIL AND WE EAT LUNCH TOGETHER EVERY-DAY!!!!! IF HE HATED ME HE WOULDN'T DO THAT!! BUT I KNOW HE DOESN'T HATE ME AND HE NEVER REALLY HAS!!! WHEN HE WAS GOING OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE HE, WAS WAY NICER TO ME THEN TO HER!!!! SO THAT KINDA MAKES YA THINK!! Philip It's really sad that you had to die, but I want you to know I will always think of you as a brother. We were my friend since we were born. I will always remember you forever. Love, Jessica Nicole, I just wanted to let you know how much of a friend you are to me. When everybody else would stab me in the back, you were the one person who was always there to guide me through. I just wanted to let you know you are one of the bestest friends in the world, and I love you gurl! NICOLE & MELISSA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to tribute the class of 2000 at George Co. Ya'll are the BEST and I am going to miss ya so much. I want to wish each and every person the Best throughtout there life. I hope ya come back to all the reuions. I would like to say I love you Brooke, Jessica, Keisha, Mary, Shiree, and Kim. Ya'll mean so much to me and I will think about ya everyday..... To Mike, I've never had the chance to tell you but I can't imagine you didn't already know. I love you with every piece of my unremitting heart. I look forward to decades of incalculable pleasure shared by your side. Humbly and eternally yours....Chris I would just like to tell my 4 best friends that I will never forget them.As 8th grade graduation comes closer with each passing month, we will never ever forget the good times that we've had. We can make it through hs, we've made it through everything, fights, guys, tears, worms, even someone trying to get into our room w/ a chainsaw! I will miss being in the Fab 5 everyday, but I hope these memories will never fade. <3, I want to give a tribute to my very best friend, Kristen. You have been the best friend I have ever had, and all of the things we've been through lately shouldn't get in the way of us. You are never selfish, always giving, and you are my guardian angel, and the best person I have ever known. I love you with all of my heart, and I will miss you when you go away next year. Once again, I'll say I love you. I WOULD LIKE A TRIBUTE OF MY FRIEND CHELSEY POSTED! IF YOUR READING THIS IT'S POSTED! CHELS AND I HAVE ONLY BEEN FRIENDS FOR LIKE A YEAR!! THE TIME I MOVED HERE! NOW WERE LIKE BEST FRIENDS! SHE HAS NEVER SAID I'M HER BEST FRIEND BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE ELSE'S FEELING SO SHE SAYS ALL HER FRIENDS ARE HER BEST FRIENDS! I HAVE A BEST FRIEND AND EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT CHELSEY SHE'S UP AMOUNG THE TOP!!!! IF YOU READ THIS CHELSEY"I LOVE YA BUDDY" AS A FRIEND! Sam, You meen the world to me you will always be my best friend forever no matter what!I promise! To my lifelong friends: Monica and Kate. We're going to be graduating from high school next month and we'll all be going our separate ways. I just want to tell you that I cherish our friendship and will always remember our wonderful memories that we have shared together. You will be in my heart forever!! Thanks for always being there!!!! My sister Jenny, is my best friend. She's always been there for me whether its to laugh or to cry. We lost our mother two years ago, and have bonded because of it. I never thought I'd make it through the loss, but with her by my side, we get through every day. Nothings better then having your sister as your best friend. To Joe.....You really are the best friend anyone could ask for. I just wanna remind Terri that as we go on we'll remember all the times we had together and as our lives change from whatever......we will still be friends FOREVER. I'll never forget you Terri your my best friend. Luv Ya To Joe....To the best friend I have, the best I will ever have. I wanna give a tribute to my best friend Beatriz who recently found out she has cancer...I want her to know I love her with all my heart and would do anything for her. I'm never gonna leave ever! I love u kid =) To all my friends at Baruch- upon my long-awaited graduation! I will miss you all- of course I will still see most of you- but still...Genevieve, Sandy, Dennis, my basketball and softball teams- I love you!!! Julia- i know u will miss me but don't forget- I am 3 blocks away- take care of Baruch for me while I'm gone. hugs and kisses to u all, DrLibby =) I would like to give a tribute to my Best Friend Adam. Adam, you mean the world to me. You were there when nobody else was. The amazing love you give to me helps me survive in this world of struggles. I miss you more and more each day, and I long for the day when we can see each other again. I Love You Baby! Your Girl ~Shannon I have a wonderful friend who's name is Sally. This woman is a person who always has a good word to say to everyone. Even though she was going through tough times at work, she kept up her spirits and dedication to her students. She has since, become the best friend a person could have. I never thought I could honestly and truthfully say that I had a "Best" friend. But Sally - She's mine!!! Deedee Marsh - ALHS - California
I would like to dedicate this is a really good friend God has sent me even though I don't deserve her. Her name is "Kimmie Moon" I have hurt her in a lot of ways by lying to her and I know I was Truely WRONG!!! She has changed me in a lot of ways. she has taught me things that I never knew before!! She has helped me by knowing the only way through life is Jesus Christ. I really do Thank her for that b/c if I didn't know him today I would really be lost. She taught me how to believe and have a relationship with God and that is the best relationship u can have with anyone. I just want to thank Kimmie for all the times when I was feeling sad and she brightened my day by making me laugh or smiling at me. I Thank God for her and I Thank God for letting me meet such a giving and caring perosn that she is!! Love Ya Kimmie!!!! I am graduating soon and my biggest fear is leaving my best friends. I can not imagine my life without the people that helped me make it through the hard days of high school. I have cried many times for fear that they will forget about me ... then I realized that my true friends are friends that will be there for ever. Thank you to my best friends... Kelli, Annegelique and Shani...... I've been bestfriends with Cris and Mark for what seems like forever. Though it's only really been about 9 months, the three of us have gone from hang out buddies after work, to inseperable soul mates. We've been though thick and thin together and made it through the toughest of times with forgiving hearts and open minds. I'm greatful for them and I cherish all the wonderful memories and moments that knowing them has brought into my life. I'm so proud of them each and every day and even more proud to say that they're my bestfriends. I love ya'll!!! This is a poem for my best friend Mark who I love more than anyone or anything in the world. I saw you I was afraid to meet you, When I met you I was afraid to like you, When I liked you I was afraid to love you, And when I loved you I was afraid to loose you! Love you Mark please don't let go! My friend Jesse is one of my best male friends. He is in some ways the perfect guy. He's sensative, caring, funny and he even wrote a poem about love one time! Now as I am saying he is the perfect guy, but I know that in my heart I'd rather just stay friends with him. I went out with him a year ago and it took me a while to get his friendship back when we broke up! So I'm sending this out to Jesse! I LOVE YA BUDDY!!!! As strictly a friend!
This is a note of apology to my best friend, Heidi. A few months ago I gave her a tribute on this page and now I find myself without her. I have been inconsiderate, self-absorbed and disrespectful to her. Yes, I have also made her very happy (and she me) but my poor behaviour has finally proven to be too much. I miss her so much and hope that our time apart helps give us both time to heal so that I may (just may) be able to make amends with her. Heidi, I'm so sorry for what I've done. I hope you can forgive me some day. I love you. Tracy- How do Idescribe how much you mean to me? Words fail me. Your love and friendship is unwavering. Your dedication, faultless. You love me with the truest love and I will never understand why you share your heart and mind with me. You see something beyond what others see in me and you bring out the good in me. For that I am forever in your debt. "I am shameless when it comes to loving You!" Erin- I have the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She's with me through bad times and good times. We' ve been through everything in the last 4 years. Whenever Im sad she makes me happy. She is one of the greatest people in my life, and will always hold a very special place in my heart. You are a true friend. thank you. Love you always. Tink. I just want you to know that you are the most important person in the world to me. We have been best friends for 12 years now. I think that is an accomplishment. We have lasted through everything. I just hope we last through the rest of our lives. I love you heaps. Always and forever. Becca I would like to make a tribute to my best friend forever Lindsey Englehart. She ahs always been there for me through everything and I just wanna say without her I would be totally lost and she is great!!! Love always This is a tribute to my mom--Cindy Shaffer...she has been the biggest role motel in my life--i have learned from her mistakes and so has she...she has become a better person because of them and I have learned so much from her. She is one of the strongest women I know and I admire her soo much for everything she has accomplished in life .....I love her with all of my Heart--Thanks for everything Mom :) I would like to make a tribute to Diana Swinehart--for always being there for me no matter what, for never giving up on me, for always encouraging me, for making me want and try to become a better person, and for just being herself..she is an awesome person and friend and I am soo lucky to have her as one...I hope it last forever--i will neve forget her--and I love her to death--with all of my Heart and Soul! I would like to make a tribute to Matt Gordon...for always being a great friend to me no matter what the situation...we have been through lots in he last year but no matter what it was or the outcome of it...he always stuck by me and our friendship. I really admire his excitement in life and how he always encourages me to do my best and to stay confident..Thank You Matt for everything--I love you with all of my Heart! This is a tribute to Sean Calhoun...he is one of my biggest role motels in my life...he has been a awesome friend and im soo glad we are soo close...he has helped me to be a better person and he has made me to releize it's ok to be me and to stick up for what i am..always---i will always admire his spice and positivity in life..Thanks for everything Sean--I will always love you with everything I have!! :) This is about my friend Sara, she has been there for me through thick and thin. I just wanted to thank you Sara for everything. You helped me a lot , you dont even know. When I had this little problem of mine this year I was about to kill myself and I thought how could I do that to her. Thank you Sara To my friend Debbie. Thanks for always being there for me. I would never have gotten through a lot if you weren't there. I love you my bestest friend. Layshan - You are a great pal. Let's hope that this new found friendship will last forever! *huGz* & Lotsa Luv Jilly, I am so lucky to have you as a best friend. We are dangerous together!! I have the absolute best time with you, and I know we will be friends forever. We always take care of each other and I love that. On those days where times are rough, remember to smile b/c thats when you are most beautiful- inside and out! =) Love you... CROW! In the spring of 1998, I went to my first chat room. No one spoke to me at first. I made some friends after a while. Then, someone came into the room. He said hello to me. i said hi back. Then he said he was moving. Two weeks later he was back. He said, " Did you miss me? i missed you." we kept on talking. Then he wanted to talk to me one on one. I wasn't ready, but I said ok. We talked for a long time. We had a lot in common. I knew we were going to be good friends, but I didn't have a clue how great the friendship would be. We talked a lot at night. We would talk about different things, such as favorite music, things like that. I had a dream that i was trying to find him. But I didn't. Then last year, I had a spritual experience. He was not on line for quite sometime. Then he came back. Our friendship is much stonger now! I'd like to say to you, Damon, thank you for being a great friend. God has blessed me with you. Thanks for the fun chats we have and for being a brother to me. You are an angel to me, even though we have never met in person and we may never meet. We will always be close. Our friendship is shatterproof! No one will understand our friendship. Your love is like a river, Peaceful and Deep! You will always have a special place in my heart! Love Always Shelly My best friend is the best friend anyone could have. She's always there for me. I went through a really bad time in my life, and she stuck by me no matter what. I think the word friend gets tossed around alot, I think people are lucky if they find one or two true friends in a lifetime. Our friendship has been put to the test and I know I found my true friend. A 24-Karat friend makes every day golden. You're my best friend Lindsay. I love you. To Misti Dawn- Even though you are gone I just want you to know that I love you so much... this week is going to be hard... it's going to be 8 months since you've been gone and the day after is your birthday. We miss you so much, you were such a fun person who everybody loved and wanted to be around. I know your with us, but it's just not the same. We love you so much!! Just help us get through this week, I love you girl!! This is to my bestfriend Lura You are the best , the one for me. Without you I would be unhappy. We've been through so much and we never lost touch of our friendship. Coming home, turning off the ringer, sitting here watching Jerry Springer. Wondering where you are, your my best friend, my shining star. To my friend Ryan.... I love you with all my heart and I want u to know how much u mean to me!!! 477 Mich I would just like to let my best friend in the whole world Amy Barwick know, that even though we are now on opposite sides of the country she will always be in my heart and no one could ever replace what she means to me. I love u. Your Best friend Mel To Jeremy you are the world greastest friend. Not only that you are also a Hero to me. When I need someone to talk to you the one always listen to my problems. No money in the world could never replace our friendship. Thanks alot brother. Jilly- You dont even know how important you are to me. I tell you all the time, but I wanted to let you know that you are the coolest person I know. We are always there for eachother and I adore that. Never change and remember that on your toughest days, smile...b/c that is when you are most beautiful-inside and out! Love you Always...=) Beck- Although we have known each other for not such a long time, almost a year and a half, i can say you are the best friend i have and ever will have. You have always been there, through the best and the worst of times, and I truly want you to know i'll always be here for you, no matter what. You are the best person in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me. so when the going gets rough, remember-you mean the world to me. Lylas ybffne Karen I would like to pay a tribute to my dearest friends. I belive that I have the best friends in the whole world.. I've been best friends with Sólveig since I was 3 or 4 years old, and as the years came along the two of us ended up with 4 other girls too. We love each other alot and almost do anything for each other! Whenever one of us has a problem the other 5 are there for her all the way! No matter how huge the argument is we always end up sorting it out instead of just becoming enemies as so many people do! Sólveig, Lára, Arndís, Sara and Telma.. I LOVE YOU GUYS TO BITS! We must never EVER stop being friends.. Friendship forever girls.. =) To Shelby, Auna, Erin, Bailey, Alison, Karen, Candace, Danny, Melissa, Traci, and Ashley. You guys are the greatest friends. This year we have gotten so close. I am enjoying every moment I am with you. My love for you as a friend will never end. Through good times and bad. I am here for you. You guys have helped me so much I want to do the same for you. I love our little talks. They are the best. I love you guys always and never ever forget that. Dear Daniella, Thankyou so much - and you think that I'm not grateful for having the best friend in the world?????? Thankyou so much for help you have given me, I have needed it, I asure you. Love Always. x x x This is for my best friend, Marni. Marni, you have helped me through so much the last through months - I wouldn't have been able to make it if it wasn't for you. You were there when no-one else was, you helped me through thick and thin. I could talk to you about anything without afterward felling regret for having told you too much. I will never forget everything that you have done for me. I will always remember you - no matter where I end up. I will always be there for you when you need something, someone to talk to, or just need a shoulder to cry on. You mean soooo much to me, I love you. You are a true friend - one in a million, thanks for everything. Love always, your best friend. chanhda - thanks for always being there. i love ya like a sister and hope to see you soon. love always This is for my best friend Maia, she is always here for me when i need to talk to someone, we know everything about each other and we don't keep secrets , you are my best friend you always have been and you always will. My friend Kim and I meet over AOL. We started talking a a couple days later we called each other on the phone. She lived 1 hour from me so after talking every day on the phone for a month we meet at Pizza Hut with our husbands and our kids. We new this was it. We have known each other for over a year now and she is truly my best friend. Now we have had a couple downs but all and all this seems to be my soul friend someone who knows me, understands me, and loves me for all my faults and good stuff. I see this being a long and strong friendship forever. Melissa - We have only known eachother for a short while, but I know we were meant to be best friends. Nothing could ever replace the friendship we have. We get eachother through the hard times and makes the good times better.Our friendship is the best gift I have ever received. You are my once in a lifetime friend. I love you and you will always have a special place in my heart!!! Tami in the 17 years we have known one another we have become very close and I feel like you are the siser I never had. Our time together may be getting shorter here on earth, but when you pass on to our Heavenly home you will always be in my heart and thoughts every day like you are now. I know you will be in Gods Hands and he will take care of you, but I will miss you dearly. And yes I will not lie it is killing me to see you going through this but you are strong and taking it very well. Just remember we all love you and know that you will be in Gods loving hands when he is ready for you to come home to him. Obrigado Mota, por tudo! Um abraço do mano Tó. My best friends are Albert, Ashlee, and Tiffany ! We all love each other very much and though we all have are bad days it's like a friends circle it_will_never end !! I have 3 of the best friends in the world !!! Andy you were my best friend and we all will miss you. I have a BEST Friend and she means ALOT to me. She is nicer than nice, she loves, she cares,and she smiles even when she's sad. She is kinder than kind, She's happy, She doesn't get mad. She listens, She cares,and She is very very very funny! We have our differences but it doesn't matter to me. I want to be just like her, but I should be myself. I mean... I can't even describe it, She's sssooo pretty, spectacular, fantastic, smart, cool,and crazy...I mean every one of these words and I will always mean them for as long as I live...it wouldn't matter if she were not these things or if all these things were not true I would still LOVE her with my WHOLE HEART! She has a rreeaallyy cute,nice and funny boyfriend too! They are both great and i love them! Without her I don't know what I would do. I thank God I met her!!! She is the BEST! When she reads this I want her to know to me and to lots she is LOVED, She is IMPORTANT, She is CARED FOR, SHE IS THE BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD and a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!:):) To Jenny Shelton I LOVE YOU!!! |
Marni, Thanks for everything Love always Daniella This is to my close friends, Amber, Becky, Meghan, Megan, Lisa, Laura,& Jessica you guys have always been there for me through thick and thin and you don't know how much that means to me. Thank you for being great friends and being my favorite sisters. Love, Leah
I met Flohnny (Nickname, real name is John) in seventh grade. He was
in my 7th period science class, then next year he and I ran cross country
together. Describing how important he is to me is like speaking of the
meaning of life, almost impossible. It can only be felt. John, if you are
reading this, and I am sure you will, I love you very mcuh. and I know that
you and I will be together forever. At your graduation, at your phrat house,
at your wedding, at your first home, at the birth of your first child. I will
always be there for you, whether it is 12 o clock at night, you call me. I
love you Flohnny. And thank you for being my super best friend.
I HAVE A BEST FRRIEND BUT SHE IS IN HEAVEN RIGHT NOW. SHE HAD TO LEAVE HER TIME WAS GONE I DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOOD-BYE HOW I WISH I COULD.I WILL ALWAYS MISS HER SMILING FACE,HER SWEET EMBRACE.I KNOW SHE'S LOOKING DOWN FROM ABOVE.THIS IS NOT A POEM THAT'S JUST THE WAY I GET MY WORDS OUT LKL V TASHA NICOLE REINLASODER, You mean the world and I love you not only as a best friend but as my sister. You will always be in heart. When you need a friend, I'll be there, you need only ask. I love you!!!!!! To my sis in spirit and soul, Misty: you have stood by me thorough thick and thin...talking me through some very dark and dreary times. There is no one in this world that could do what you have done for me this far. I love you with all my heart for you are truly an angel friend sent from heaven. I want you to know that no matter what, even though physical distance may separate us, NOTHING will ever the closeness and love that we feel in our hearts for each other. Thank you Misty! I look forward to many more years as your "buddy"! Terri - though I've never met you face to face, the time that we've spent talking into the night, and sometimes through the night have brought us closer than we both ever imagined. I truly love you for pushing me to believe in me, correcting me, encouraging me and humoring me. You make smile -- friends like you are so rare! Though miles separate us, we have a bond that will last a lifetime! Thank you so much Terri! *hugs* Rhonda - my encourager and my friend....Thank you so much for being there -- even when times were so great. Even though you live away from me now, when we're together, it's like we've never been separated. You are truly a gift from above - your smile radiates the love that's in your heart...thank you so much for being my friend. I love you! *hugs* Ginger - Being friends with you brings out the best in me...I can always count on you -- for a laugh, a smile, a hug and an open heart. I have so much to thank you for...I don't even know where to begin! I appreciate and love you...for all that you are, all that you've done and everything you will be. Keep smiling! *hugs* I want to give a tribute to all of my best friends, Katie, Sarah, Katelyn, Vicky, Flo, Xiomara, Jamie, Ayesha, Dannie, Parisa,and there are a lot of others. I want to tell you guys that i thank you so much for being there and defending me and anything else you have done for me.Thank you for being there even when we are fighting.Your friendship means a lot to me.i love yas!! My best friend's name is Froy. I met him five years ago in high school. It was my first day of school and i had no friends and I had him in all of my classes. We introduced ourselves and became good friends. He and I have gone through a lot of things and he has always been there for me. Froy has come to be that brother I always wanted to have. He has always given me support and advice. I will just tell you that I am very thankful for this friendship. I want to thank you for being the way you are and for being always there when I've needed advice or when I needed to have someone to talk to.With respect and affection, from your bro, Maury. I would like to thank all of my friend for being there for me through all the hard times...I love you all and hope that we stay close forever...you all mean soooo much to me THIS IS FOR MY BEST FRIEND KATHERINE. SHE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME AND IS MY EARTH ANGEL. IF YOU READ THIS KATHERINE THANK YOU FOR BIENG THERE FOR ME LYLAS FOREVER AND EVER. JESSICA RANDALL TO KATHERINE BALLARD I would just like to thank God for giving me a great friend. She was there for me during basketball season when I needed her and she was there for me in Algebra when I didn't understand a thing. She was there for me in drivers ed this summer and boy did we have fun. But now she is gone and I will never see her again. I would just like to say that I love her and that I will never forget her. Ceg, I know you are up there reading this, and I really do love you and boy do I miss you stomping in the passenger seat! Molly, Here's a big shout out to my best friend. I wish you all the best at that "smart person" school down south, and to let you know that someone back home is always thinking about you. There will never be another Molly. I LOVE YOU!! TAMMY JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I CANT WAIT TILL YOU COME BACK I MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!!!YOUR FRIENDSHIP MEANS THE WORLD TO ME !!!!!! I WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT HERE FOR YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!! I met my wonderful friend, Deedee, working here at a high school. We are both teachers aides. I was under a particularly difficult teacher's rule, and was questioning my worth and capabilities at the hand of this dictator. I also was struggling with some personal issues which contributed to my low self-esteem at that point. Deedee wrote me little notes, which she would send with students in the form of "real" messages, reminding me what a beautiful and vital person I was. She told me daily that no one should let me feel badly about myself. She continues to be a wonderful friend, and talking to her is always comfortable. We enjoy doing things together, and our mates join us now, too. I thank God every day for sending my buddy, Deedee to me. My newest best friend, Dannii Lynn, is the best person in the world! I can not think of a day without talking to her, and I only wish the best for her. She is 13 and I am 18, so its hard to be able to get together a lot, but we still make it through. She is my sister. The sister I always wanted to have. I LOVE YOU DANNII LYNN!!!! Kristie Bailey - When courage failed me you were there A friend like you is often rare now my troubled mind walks free because you are a friend to me WHAT IS A FRIEND WHEN THIER ISN'T A FRIEND?AND WHY IS A FRIEND A FRIEND TO ANOTHER? I ONCE HAD A FRIEND THAT WAS ONE OF MANY ANIMALS OF GODS CREATIONS,AN ANIMAL SUCH AS A DOG,A DOG NAMED TORRI. AS WOONED AS I WAS,TORE OUR FRIENDSHIPE,I HAVE BEGAN TO IGNOR DEATH AND TOUCHED THE LOVE OF THE FRIENDSHIP ONCE AGAIN.AND WHILE I WAS IGNORING THAT DEATH I STARTED KNOWING I ONCE MORE.... Dominick, I've told you before how much you mean to me. You are the closest friend I've ever had. Just remember that no matter what I am always here for you. Your friendship has meant so much to me. Like you told me best friends forever. We met our sophomore year in highschool at a party. What we did not know at the time was that we lived right around the corner from each other. After we got to know each other a little better we started hanging out every night. We did our homework together, watched t.v., shopped, had dinner together, practically did everything together. After about five months we started going out. I fell in love with this girl, the girl next door, literally. We had the best relationship ever. About a 1 1/2 went by and I did something that regret so much. I was un-faithful to my best friend, my girlfriend. I hurt her so much. Well its been almost two years and up until December it has been a hard two years. On Christmas eve, 1999 I saw don't know what happened but I realized that she was the only person I have ever loved and that I will never stop loving. I realized that she was the biggest part of my life and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I almost lost the most important person in my life for ever. She took me back and ever since everything has been great. Daniela is a true friend. Daniela, I just wanted the entire world to know how great a friend you are and how loyal of a person you are. I love you, you are my best friend and will be for the rest of my life. In the last 14 months David and I have been through quite a bit both good and bad but we are stronger and closer then ever before. David - I Love You. Thanks for still being there. Next time we have a row, just think Tarzan!!! Love to you always. I just want to say a little bit about my friend Stevan. He is a great person and he is a great friend. He has always been there when I need to talk no matter what he was doing he would offer me anything I ever needed he was never shy about asking me why I was upset and for that I want to thank him for being there! My Special Best Friend is Vincent Marfori, he is always there whenever I needed a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. SBF, thank you for everything, for always accepting all my defects and for always understanding my tantrums. I love you and keep up the good works. Talking to you is like brushing my teeth in the morning, you are like an ink to my pen, sugar to my coffee, a pillow case to my pillow. I thank God for having you as a blessing.
Rhonda where do i start, she is my very best friend, for 14yrs and she is one person i don't ever want to lose... she knows me better then i know myself,she has never turned her back on me, we have 100% trust in are friendship which is very important.THANK YOU RHONDA I LOVE YOU! To My Friend Traci, She always makes me smile when i am feeling sad. She never judges. She is one of the nicest people I know and I love her. Nicole Christine, were do I start? We have only been friends for a short time but we have built up so much together. A foundation of honesty that has brought us to be the very best of friends. We have a bond that was there in the beginning and one that will hold us together forever. You are my best friend and have a special place in my heart that only you will have. We live on the same wavelength and never fight. I often call you friend but i mean sister...... I would like to tell my friend Steve how much he means to me. I want him to know that I realize that i am very special to him and that he does trust me as much as he is capable of. I will always be here for him if he needs me, and I pray that he will find happiness and peace of mind. When hes lonely, he can always talk to me. I would just like to say that I have had many people in the past I have considered my "best friend" but no one has compared to Pam. She has always been there for me and I consider her my sister. We live 45 minutes away, but we've come to realize distance is no obstacle for friendship if it was meant to be. I love you so much Pam, thank you for putting up with me. There aren't words to describe how much our friendship has changed me. Without my best friend I wouldn't be me. Through the hard times and the good times I feel we will make it though. I love my best friend, Courtney I just wanted to say a few lines about my best friend in the whole world Lori. She has been there through the good times and the bad, and she has never left...something i will always be thankful to her for. I wish her all the happiness and joy that this world can hold, and i am so thankful to have her in my life. I love you Lori! My Special Best Friend is Vincent Marfori, he is always there whenever I needed a shoulder lean on and an ear to listen. SBF, thank you for everything, for always accepting all my defects and for always understanding my tantrums. I love you and keep up the good works. Talkign to you is like brushing my teeth in the morning, you are like an ink to my pen, sugar to my coffee, a pillow case to my pillow. I thank God for having you as a blessing. My darling Sarah, you know how much I love you (and of course all tha ladeez!). Thank you so much. Nobody have the perserverance with our friendships like you!!! Thank you for loving us sooo much and writing your sweet piece. You know that you'll always be my girl and I LYLAS forever!!! Take care and I cannot wait for summer when we get to see each other again! You cutie baby! To Emily, I am so glad we became friends last summer. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope our friendship lasts forever!!! Emilie is the greatest friend for putting up with me, and she is just so "boomshy" in general! She is one of the few Hebron girls who knows ~almost~ as many RHHS guys as I do and knows how to -scare- most of them away! JK. She keeps it real with her non-denominational Christianity and Ragdooist influences and knows how to party. Booyeah. I would like to take the time to honor a very special friend of mine. This person is very special to me because she listens to me, gives me advice, and allows me to be myself. Although we are from two very different backgrounds, we have been brought together by some unknown force to be there for one another. Our friendship proves that friendship should not be based upon color. In honor of Jessica
Sarah B
I just want to let my friends know that I'll always be there for them, through thick and thin. We've been close for a long time and now that we're apart, it's hard but nothing can overpower the meaning of true friends. I love all you guys! Jen, Karen, Amanda, Erin, Robyn, Leah, Lola, Caroline, Cynthia, BMc, Katie, Anna, and whoever else I forgot. This is a Tribute for two "very special" people in my life.My sister Zelia,and my niece Teresa. I just want the whole world to know how wonderful these girls are lol...They are Truly beautiful girls,inside and out.And I thank god for them. For there honesty... caring ways.... For the talks.... the world is such a beautiful place when shared by true,loving beautiful people like Zelia,Teresa..... I luv you !!!! Travis, The day we met was magic, removed my fear of rejection. Allowed me to love again, very sure we would make it. I love you for being there. You showed me the wonders of being friend and lover. To my friends of Beta Eta, I would just like to let you know how much all of your friendships mean to me. Being part of this group has really made a difference in my life. I believe that I will always have these friendships, and cherish each one of them. I would like to thank all of you for being such good friends. My friend is wonderful, she lets me cry on her shoulder, she is always there. Her name is Amanda. She really cares At first I was afraid of you but now you are my bestest friend anyone could have. THANK YOU CHARLEY FOR LAUREN KNIGHTS Ann is the dearest friend anyone could ask for. She is always there for me in good times as well as bad times. She gives me a better outlook on life when I see nothing good about it. When my mom passed away she was who I called first, and she was there. I love you Ann. You are truly an angel in disguise... I guess you all know how in school there are those certain people who make everyday worth while and everyday a day to remember...Well I can't tell you how special these certain people are to me...MegZ,Roni,Lauren,Pete,Matt,Kevin, Mike,Steph,Krista,Nat,Lauren..I dont know what I would do without you guys and I never want you to forget that * I love you guys with all my heart * Class of 2003 together forever..maybe in distance..but always in my heart! To: My best friend Brookie Hey TwinOne! I just wanted to remind you how much I luv you and how much you mean to me. Out of all my friendships, yours is definately the one I treasure the most! We have been to the ends of the earth and back together, and I don't know what I'd do without you! You are such a sweet, wonderful person! BFF sweetie! ~KB This is a tribute to my best friend, Heidi. We have known each other for years but only recently became close friends. She is the only person I have ever known with whom I feel comfortable just being me -- the real me. And I love getting to know her as much as I love having her get to know me. Heidi, thank you for being in my life. I will love you forever. Tracey, were do I start. We have only been friends for a short time but we have built up so much in such a short time. A foundation of honesty that has brought us to be the very best of friends. We have a bond that was there in the beginning and one that will hold us together forever. You are my best friend and have a special place in my heart that only you will have.You are my guardian angel & my best friend for life.LYLAS. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My best friend Laura is the person that filled the hole in my heart that I didn't even know exsisted. We met in 8th grade, and although I moved 3 years ago in 11th grade, we are still best friends. We live on the same wavelength, never fight, and have learned that distance has only made us happier and more appreciative of the pure, beautiful friendship we share. I wanted to just say how much I appreciate my B.F. Her name is Christa Plyler or as I call her, Betsy. I love her so much, (in a sisterly way), she is always there for me. She was even there when I wanted to kill myself. She truly cares about me and I truly care about her. I even talk to all her boyfriends to reassure her and myself that he won't do anything nasty or bad to her. I have been blessed majorly by God to have sent me her!!! JOAN - Out of aLl of my friendships, I cherish ours the most because i consider us very close friends. I know i can talk to you about anything, and you can talk to me about anything. I am here for you and always remember i got your back, through it all. Whatever may come along to destroy our friendship, we have to get through it and put it in the past, after it is resolved. I love you so much, and i am so glad i am your best friend, FRIENDS FOREVER! =) Hi, my name is Chelsey I just want to give a tribute to my Best Friend, Juli, I just want to thank her for ALWAYS being there for me. When my sister comitted suicide last year, she was the one who comforted through my pain. She is so special to me. And I just want to tell her If she ever needs anyone to lean on, She has me. Thank you for your time. This is for my best friend Diana. She is the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. I certainly don't deserve it, but she is always there. And I'm certain she always will be. Through the hardest year of my life, that I use to think i wouldn't make it through- she always told me I'd be okay. Because of her, i know that " Everything happens for a reason." Right, Di? I LYLAS. BFF Alina Silva, you are one of my best friends in the whole world. You are very special to me. You are there through my ups and downs. You are there in my smiles and frowns. I want you to know that no matter what, I will always be there for you, just like you are for me. I love you. Awooooooo......3 !!!! My friend ABBY{her nickname} is my best friend.She is my reason for a wonderful life.She is there for me when I am down.She has made me happy and sad but always there to make me smile.I want her to know she is a wonderful friend!!! I have to say that being with Ryan has changed my life. At first my friend, then we fell in love and now I cannot live without him. He has changed me in many ways that have made me a better person. No matter what happens in the future, Ryan, I will always love you, and you will always be my best friend. Kelly~ you're my best friend always and forever. u'll never ever know how much you mean to me... i don't want to ever lose you, or even come close to losing you. we've been through so many things together, and i want uto know that know matter what anyone ever says, i'll always be right there for you. i love you so much. Lindsay- You are the most important person in the world to me! I will never forget all the things we wnt through to keep our friendship strong. All the tears and pain and best of all the laughter. You are my hero and my gardain angel. I will love you with all my heart, all my life. Thank you for looking after me, and teaching me all about life. I love you so much. And I always will. Thank you God for giving me my soulmate! My friend Michele Glincosky means so much to me.....whenever i was down she was always around to help me lift myself back up and when i needed something she was always there to talk on the phone or take long walks or even just chill and let out our angry on things around us:) Michele was the first and bestfriend that i had ever had.....i also in that same time in Spain met a boy and went out for a while and he was my first love....i never knew that i was going to meet my first real bestfriend and my FIRST love in Spain but i did! I love u guys dearly and Kenny you will always be in my heart baby:) I have been friends with Beth, who is now my best friend, since 5th grade. We are now in 10th. She has been there for me when needed her the most. Whenever I needed some comfort, she wuz always there for me. She means so much to me. I don't think I could ever find a better friend than her. Beth, I just want you to know, no matter what I'll always be there for you, like you are for me. You're my best friend and I love you! Love your best friend 9 months, that's how long I have known Bethany, and yes, I can honestly say that she is my best friend. She is the greatest friend, she always listens to me, and believes in me, even when I fail to do it myself. She knows when to make me smile, and she knows when to hug me and tell me that its going to be OK. I am so grateful for our friendship and I will always treasure her. ~You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in. You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend. Thank you for always loving me and supporting me when no one else would. You truly are my best friend. I love you Nate and I always will.~
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