Friendship Chat Donations
Donation Drive - Keep The Friendship Page Alive!
As a community site, we rely entirely on your support to keep providing our friendly services to the world. The Friendship Page costs real money to run - meaning we need to raise more funds to keep the whole site running! If you believe in friendship and agree with our values of a positive, safe internet, then please help out by donating - every little bit counts! :)
How to Donate
Please click below for secure credit card transactions using PayPal. (convert currency to US).
Send through the mail (even $10 helps!) to our Donations Administrator:
The Friendship Page
Where Does the Money Go?
All donations go towards running The Friendship Page, helping to make the world a friendlier place. This includes our hosting bills (to keep the entire site active) and the annual subscription for our chatroom, Friendship Chat. We supplement donations with income earnt from selling friendship bands, but really rely on your generosity to keep going! If you would like to request that your donation goes towards a particular item, just let us know. If you'd like more information or have any questions about donating, please email donations@friendship.com.au. Thank you! :)
Donations Honour Roll
Thank you so much to the following wonderful people!
'The Friendship Page: Chat: Donations' © Global Friendship 1996-2016
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