The following five quotes were sent in by Nicole Flick
"Friends are the sunshine of life."
-John Hay
"Hold true friends with both your hands."
"A part of you has grown in me, and so you see, it's you and me together
forever. Never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart."
"Friendship often ends in love, but love in friendship - never."
-Charles Caleb Colton
"My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real
friends, you've had a great life."
-Lee Iacocca
"Time for Tolerance,Equality, and Acceptance, It's allways TEA time with my
-Sent in by Greg Douglass
"No man is a failure who has friends."
-Clarence, the angel from "It's a Wonderful Life"-Sent in by Tricia
The following two quotes were sent in by Andrea.
"Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief."
-Joseph Addison
"In loneliness, in sickness, in confusion-the mere knowledge of friendship makes it possible to endure, even if the friend is powerless to help. It is enough that they exist. Friendship is not diminished by distance or time, by imprisonment or war, by suffering or silence. It is in these things that it roots most deeply. It is from these things that it flowers."
-Pam Brown
"Friendship is the only rose without thorns."
"Friends are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them "
-Sent in by Sara Allen
"Show me your best friend and I'll tell you who you are."
"They don't get mad when u call 11:00 at night to ask a qustion or just to
"A ring is round
it has no end
and that is how long
i will be your friend"
-Sent in by Rachael
If I'm in heaven and your not there, I'd carve your name in golden chairs, for all the angels there to see, that I love you and you love me.
If your not there on judgement day, I'll know you've gone the other way, so just to prove our love is true, I'd go to hell to be with you.
-Jackie Paul
"friend ship friendship we all need friend ship without friend ship who will we be what would we do without friend ship friend ship what will we do so give your friends lovers and family a great big hug and a big juicy kiss"
-Sent in by Cynthia
"I looked for my God; my God eluded me.
I looked for my soul; my soul I could not see.
I looked for a friend and I found all three."
-Sent in by Dorothy
"True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides it's evils; strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing."
-Sent in by Bridget
The following three quotes were sent in by Blake.
A definition of friendship in one word would be: needed.
If you lose at something, a sport for example, a regular friend says 'good
try'.. but a true friend says 'good try' and helps you to win the next time.
A friend is a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a heart to comfort.
"Don't worry about tomorrow,
don't think about yesterday,
don't live in the future,
just make it through today!"
-Sent in by Carolina
-Sent in by Dana
“A good friend is as rare as a left-handed person in a world filled with
right-handed people. He simply stands out!”
-Sent in by Shane VJ Stoffels
The following two quotes were sent in by Jean
"A friend is one who can touch your heart from acroos the world or across the room."
"A friend's hand is always just have to reach out for it."
"Friendship is an art, few people have a natural talent for it."
-Sent in by Phyllis
"Laughter is the shortest distance between to friends"'
-Sent in by Kathy Brooks
"As we grow older,
things must change,
but they don't always have to end.
Even though it is different now,
you will always be my friend"
-Sent in by Stefanie Starlett
"A friend is like a piece of pie. You never have too many, and they make
you happy when your sad!"
-Sent in by Jeannette Clark
"People see each other as chocolate or vanilla, why can't we all just
come together and be hugs?"
-Becky Mann
"The teardrop from heaven that travels homeward to the ocean is the love
of my friend who's hand rests in mine."
-Sent in by Anastasia J. Zivic
The following four quotes were sent in by Amber
"We laughed until we had to cry, we hugged right down to our last
goodbye, we were the best we'll ever be, just for a moment, you and me"
"Friends stand by each other through thick and thin, every time you
need me I will always be there for you. You make me hapy, you make me
laugh and you are the best friend anyone can ever have."
"When you ask God for a gift, Be thankful if he sends not diamonds,
riches, nor pearls, but the love of real true friends."
"Love is like a photo negative, it needs darkness to develop."
"Friends are like crayons they have many colors."
-Sent in by Adam Lighthizer and Jake Tracy
"We may laugh, we may cry but our friendship will never die."
-Sent in by Rachel Gould
The following three quotes were sent in by Sara
"And Pooh said to Piglet "Life is so much friendlier with two."
"Friends are like smakerals of fun. You can never have too many."
"Friends are those who make you laugh yet wipe your tears away.
Just thought I'd share them with you-your page is pretty nice."
"Our friendship, like God's love, is a true, honest, and everlasting blessing"
-Sent in by Kristen LeeAnn
Hold a friend's hand through times of trial,
Let her find love through a hug and a smile,
But also know when it is time to go-
For each and every one of us must learn to grow.
-Sharon A. Heilbrunn -Sent in by Elizabeth Logue
"A friend is never a friend untill you find them"
"Friendship is everlasting love"
"A true friend is the one you can see"
"Life is worth all those ups and downs with friends to share them with
"A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands where you've been,
accepts who you've become, and still invites you to grow"
-Sent in by Bezy
"Friends are super,
friends are duper."
"Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones
to help you get back up."
"It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but its
really sad when the best of friends become two strangers."
"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the
sunshine, but leaving us when we cross into the shade."
"There are the people you have known forever. Who like..... know you... in this
way that other people can't. Because they've seen you change. They've let you
-"My so called life"
"True friends, like ivy and the wall, both stand together, and together fall."
"The world would be so lonely
in sunny hours or gray,
Without the gift of friendship
To help us every day."
-Hilda Brett Farr
"On the road between friends' houses, grass does not
-Sent in by Crys
"Rekindled friendships often burn more brightly"
-Sent in by Karen Burns
"No matter how strong a friendship may be it takes years to build the trust
and seconds to destroy it"
-Sent in by Katie
"The only reason that forever friends don't exist is because forever
doesn't exist"
-Sent in by Joost
"The best things in life aren't things...they're friends."
-Sent in by Emily
"Choose your friends by their character, and choose your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable."
-Sent in by Megs
As we go on
we remmeber
all the times we
had together
come whatever
well still be
friends forever
It's better to have loved and lost than to have never been loved at all.
-Sent in by Anna Davis
"It's now who you are, who you are friends, and how popular they are, it's
just about how much you get out of each friendship and how much you learn
from each one that really counts."
-Sent in by Emily Blackwell
"The sign of a good friend is that he/she can read your mind and know what you're giong to say even before you begin to speak."
-Sent in by Sarah
"Friends are like poems, you may never fully understand them, but you will
always love them."
-Sent in by Ashley Correll
"One should try to make new friends everyday, without the comany of
friends life is barren, and has no meaning. One should learn the art of
making friends, because at the end of the life we remember our friends"
-Sent in by Abdul
"When you're with someone you trustin, never needing to pretend, someone who helps you to know yourself, you know you're with a friend."
-Amanda Bradely -Sent in by Josie
"You cannot say you've lost a friend. If a friendship is capable of ending, it is
because it never existed."
Mayza Blanco Martinez
"We must not love out friends for what they are, but love them for the angel
they might be." Shay H.(For Kelly)
Try to be governed by your loves and not your hates and find goodness
and beauty where you can."
Brandon Meranda
But friendship is presious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of
life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of
life is sunshine."
Shawn Swain
"If your trusted and people will allow you to share their inner
garden..what better gift."- Fred Rogers
Kristen Penticuff
"Friends are like pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up and
sometimes they lean on you."
Sharon Foltz
The following four quotes were sent in by Haley
"A friend worth your tears, will never make you cry."
William Conner
"I value the friend who for finds time on his calendar, but I cherrish the
friend who for me does not consult his calendar."
Robert Brault
"The finest kind of friendship is between two people who excpect a great deal
of each other, but never ask it."
-Syvia Bremer
"I can make beleive I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see
that without you in my life is complete."
"Truth is the stongest bond that exsits between two people. if you lie or
break a promise then you have broken that bond, which only time can heal."
Tosha Vecchio
"Friendship is like a garden. It is beautiful when it is watered and
tended to with love and care of prayers, hugs, tears and cheers, but
it will be withered up if, dry up and die if left untouched."
Stacy and Liz
"You lifted me up when i could not lift up myself, you made me smile when i
forgot how to, you were there for me in my times of need and you were there for
me when I needed nothing at all."
Rebecca Carbon
"Beleive not only in yourself, but beleive in your friends as well for it is
in the eye's of your friends that you discover yourself."-Emmy Huot
Micheal Claire
"Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool of yourself,
don't feel you've done a permanent job."
"Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again."
"Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being
someone who understands is a great blessing to others."
"Friends like quilts... give comfort when needed.
My sister sent me one. Fate made us sisters... and love made us friends."
"There are moments in life when the voice of a friend can sound
like a choir of angels to the heart."
Sent by Andrea
"I'll catch all the stars that I possibly can. Then give them to all of my friends
so they will truly see how sparkling and special they are to me."
Sent by Melissa
"Remember friends as you pass by, as you are now so once was I.
As low as I you once must be, prepare yourself and follow me.
Gravestone of the 1800's
"Material things can't make the soul whole. Only the love,
trust, and loyalty of friends can do that."
Sent by Andy Spak
"A partner in crime, a thief of time, you will always be there for me in the
end, you are always my dearest friend."
Sent by Mikaela Sutherland
"Friendship is not friendship without trust, without it I walk
Sent by James P. Michels Jr.
"A friend with break your heart, a friend will mend it, a friend will provide
you with every feeling in the world, good and bad. A friend is emotion
" A friend is someone who sticks (hangs) to you at all times, and a friend
is someone who you trust...."
Sent by Winnie Chau
"Never hurt your friends, not even in a joke."
"A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been
through a storm."
-Sent in by Jenna Palmer
"Friendship: A language the blind can see and the deaf can hear"
-Sent in by Cassie
-Sent in by Kari
"A reassuring presence, A light when times are dark,
A hand reaching out, Is what friendship is about."
-Author Unknown-Sent in by Laure Schnacenberg
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is
invisible to the eye."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Little Prince Sent in by Heather Kulin
-Sent in by Jacquelyn
"Never forget the time I spend with you. Please continue to be my friend, As
you will always find me yours."
-Sent in by Elizabeth
"Friendship Is Like A Golden Rose That Never Dies And Always Keeps Its Beauty!"
Kat and Bat
"The simplest things in life are truley a treasure to some."
-Sent in by Dana
"Friendship is like a violin..the cords may loosen time amd
again, but the melody plays forever."
-Sent in by Ralph Deter
"Friendship is like a golden chian, the links are the friends we hold so
-Sent in by Sarah
"Friendships multiply joys, and divide griefs."
-Sent in by Special Q
"Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them and sometimes it is just enough
to know they're there."
-Sent in by Amanda
"Relationships come and go, but friends will last a lifetime. If you love
someone so much, but you can't have them, you must learn to let them go and
if they come back to you, then you know that it was truely meant to be."
"Friends are like peanut butter and jelly; they always stick together."
"There is only one day that exists and that is TODAY. For tomorrow may never
come and yesterday has past and gone...Happiness is life's most precious wise and cherish the happiness you do have and do not dwell on the
happiness you don't have."
-Sent in by Alyssa
"At times when I feel all alone I think of you, and my heart heads home.
Memories path will have no end, when shared with you, my wonderful friend."
-Sent in by Sara
"A person is only complete when she has true friends to understand her, share
all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout life."
-Sent in by Mooks
"A friend is like sunlight, filtering into the quite corners of ones heart,
offering bright new mornings and fresh hope yet demanding nothing in return."
"The greatest challenge in being a friend is not listening when words are
spoken but hearing and feeling even though there is nothing but silence."
"The happiest person has three things, a bestfriend, a true love and a best
friend who is their true love.
-Sent in by Donna
"As love feels through the heart, friendship sees through the eyes"
-Sent in by Andrea Chu
"Dont know what I'd ever do without you from the begining to the end, you've
always been here right beside me so I call u my best friend, through the good
times and the bad whenever I lose or if I win, I know one thing that never
changes and thats you as my best friend."
-Brandy -Sent in by Carly
"Treat your friends like your pictures and put them in your best light"
-Sent in by Lisa
"The most fulfilling way to enjoy life, is to pretend that it is a treasure,
borrowed from a dear friend"
-Sent in by Christina Woolums
"The bird a nest,the spider the web, the person friendship"
-Sent in by Robert
"An ordinary friend would try to mend your heart once it's been wounded and poured out. A true friend would try to refill it as well."
"True friends not only protect you from others when something goes bad, but from yourself when you try to take blame."
"A true friend wants nothing more from you than the pleasure of your company."
"To be rich in friends... is to be poor in nothing"
-Lilian Whiting -Sent in by Valerie Crawford
"True friendship is a gift that is given without the expectation of anything
in return. Instead the reward is the friendship itself."
-Sent in by David Hwang
"Ships on the ocean, ships on the sea, but the best ship is the friendship
between you and me."
-Sent in by David
"A friend is someone u can rely on even if they are 2000 miles away."
-Sent in by Rachel
"A friend is an angel, a gift from god."
-Sent in by Susie
"If friends were flowers, i'd pick you"
-Alisha Blackman
The following six quotes were sent in by Lauren
"Friendship knows no color."
"Some people make the world special just by being in it."
"The best thing to do behind a person's back is to pat it."
"If you want to be loved, love and be loved."
"Shared joy is double joy, shared sorrow is half sorrow."
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot help but keep it from themselves."
-Sir James Barrie
"Friends are forever apart or together but friendship is better when we are
-Sent in by Kellie
"Forget me not
Forget me never
And you'll have a friend forever!"
-Sent in by Steven
"When I'm asked what one happy thought is I always say knowing that no
matter how big the fight is I will always have a best friend."
"Friends know what you want them to know about you. Best friends know what
you don't even know about yourself. And True friends help you build yourself
from all they know"
-Jessica Spellman
"Friends are like chocolate, they are sweet and wonderful- and like it's calories, they stick with you."
-Sent in by Kendal Reddell
"May there be such a oneness between you and your
friend that when one weeps the other one will taste
-Sent in by Jillian
"A friend is a third eye."
-Sent in by Sicco-Jan
"Friendship is like no other, It cares not about your past nor your future but
caresses the present with its touch."
"Your greatest fears are the friendships that you hold most dear to you."
"Through good times and bad times, true friends are always there by your
side when you're in need of caring and need a shoulder to cry on"
The following three quotes were sent in by Jessie
"A friend is someone that has the courage to tell you
that you are wrong"
"Friends are a very strange jewel, they make you laugh
and encourage you to go on"
"Friendship is the strangest kind of love, the less
selfish way to love"
"Friend are like stars they always seam to shine when the night is at its
-Meredith Shea
"Don't go looking for friends, because the best ones always seem to find you."
- Sarah Landon
The following three quotes were sent in by Sandy Macbeth
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's nothing
something you can be taught in school, but if you haven't learned the value
of friendship, you haven't really learned anything at all"
"I've learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you
forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means you move on and
treasure the memories."
-Alicia Boxer
"Beginnings are always scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle
that counts. You just have to give hope a change to float up."
-"Hope Floats"
"A friend is like a seatbelt, you may not always need them, but they will be
there just in case!"
-Sent in by Lisa K.
"You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't
pick your friends nose." :-)
"A hug from a friend in time of need is like the feeling you get when the
song in your head comes out on the radio."
-Jenny Moo
"Friendships are the foundation of life."
-Sent in by Terri Bliss
"Friendhsip is two souls that create one. A soul that now is one and will stay one 4-ever."
"Friends give us hope. They bring hope to our lifes. When hope is gone so is the meaning of life and friends."
"When you cherish the value of a gift of FRIENDSHIP it can never be lost, for what you always carry in your hearst is yours to keep forever and your friends too."
"I value the friend who finds time for me in their calendar,
I cherish the friend who does not consult her calendar."
-Sent in by Jenn
The following eight quotes were sent in by Bethany
"Friendship is a rainbow between two hearts."
"A true friend thinks of you when all others are thinking of themselves."
"I breathed a song into the air. It fell to the earth I know not where. The song from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend."
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in people, than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you."
"It was not for to conquer, nor sweethearts to be kind, but it was friends to die for, that I would seek to find."
"Pray the hinges of friendship never rust and the wings of love never lose a feather."
"Friendship is the poetry of life."
"If you are attracted to the right kind of friends, when you start to go wrong, they will keep you going right."
"A song is a moment, a friend is a time, a best friend is a lifetime".
True friends are the ones who never leave your heart, even if they leave your
life for a while. Even after years apart, you pick up with them right where
you left off, and even if they die, theyre never dead in your heart.
-Sent in by Renee
"A friend is the inspiration in you when you have lost all hope, and they
bring out a world inside of
you that you never knew you had."
-Sent in by Tiffany Maynard
"The knife from the enemy leaves only a scar while the knife of a friend can
be mortal. Best friends always greet each other with open arms."
"Don't judge yourself by your friends, judge yourself by your best
"Hold a true friend with both your hands"
-Sent in by Sarah G.
"You are someone on whom i depend,
more than a lover, more than a friend."
-Sent in by Jaya
"It takes a lifetime to thank a true friend for everything that they have given you."
-Sent in by Laura
The following two quotes were sent in by Steffi
"May good luck be your friend, and whatever you do, and may trouble
be always a stranger to you."
-Irish Blessing
"Fiendship, said Christopher Robin, is a very comforting thing to
-A.A. Milne
"Savor the moments that are warm and special and giggly."
-Sammy Davis Jr
The following three quotes were sent in by Jen Harvey
"A best friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find, but lucky to have."
"If it hurts too much to look back, but you're too scared to look ahead, just
look beside you and I'll be there."
The following two quotes were sent in by Jessica
"Best Friends are made are made through smiles and tears, and sometimes
that fades away through miles and years."
-Arnold McCuller
"Never explain--True friends dont need it and your enemies won't believe you
"Don't make excuses - your enemies won't believe them and your friends
don't need to hear them."
-Sent in by Chris
"Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you gotta do is call, and I'll be
there, 'cause you've got a friend."
-James Taylor
"We don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change."
-Sent in by Maria Provias
The following twelve quotes were sent in by Shara
"Near each other or miles apart, good friends are always close to the
"A friend is someone whom we can always count on to count on us."
"A friend multiplies joys and divides sorrows"
"If you have one true friend in your lifetime you are lucky."
"Amuse your friends and annoy your enemies."
"We've made memories that we'll wrap ourselves in when the world gets cold."
"Friends forever enemies never."
"We have to move ahead, but we are not going to leave our friends behind."
"Behind us are memories
Beside us our friends
Before us are dreams that will never end"
"A friend is one who know what you're thinking without even saying a word."
"If i could reach up and hold a star for every time i think about you,
the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand."
"Even if we don't all end up will be alirght...because we
have years of memories to look back on"
The following two quotes were sent in by Corey O'Malley
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed"
-Carl Jung
"Wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world"
-William James
"Friendship is love with understanding!"
-Sent in by Lynn
"Friendship is a candle whose flame glows brighter
when the hour is darker"
-Sent in by Charulatha
The following four quotes were sent in by Christie
"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each
- George Eliot
"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving,
make every day a holiday, and celebrate just living!"
-Amanda Bradley
"Two friends can't be friends long if they can't forgive each other's
little failings."
"People's lives change. To keep all your old friends is like keeping
all your old clothes--pretty soon your closet is so jammed and
everything so crushed you can't find anything to wear. Help these
friends when they need you, bless the happy times when you meant a lot
to each other, but try not to feel guilty if new people mean more to
you, now."
Let's become little old ladies together-
we'll stay up late looking at old pictures,
telling "remember when" stories,
and laughing till our sides ache.
Let's become eccentric together-
the kind of old ladies who take long walks,
wear silly hats, and
get away with acting outrageous in public places.
And if anybody should ask
how long we've been friends, we'll say,
"Oh, forever - since before you were even born!"
Let's become little old ladies together-
because a friendship that's as special as ours
can only grow better through the years.
-Sent in by Amy
The following five quotes were sent in by Lauren Turner
"Friendships come and go, like waves upon the sand, like day and night, like
birds inflight, like snowflakes when they land, but you and I are something
else, our friendship's here to stay, like weeds and rocks and old dirty
socks, it never goes away!"
"You can count your True friends on one hand."
"A true friend will go to hell for you. An enemy will certainly try to send
you there."
"The trick is not to die for a friend, but to find a friend worth dying for."
"Until you find someone worth dying for, you never really live."
"Nothing in high school is important enough to affect anyone's life beyond
college admissions besides your true friends."
The following seventeen quotes were sent in by Cat.
"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself
constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss
you like hell."--Edna St. Vincent Millay
"I need you. I don't know why but every now and then in my life, for no
reason at all, I need you."
-Sarah (Labyrinth)
"If I could give you one gift my friend, I would give you the ability to
see yourself as others see you, so you would know how very special you
"I hate to say goodbye but it only makes the next hello closer."
"Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we
shall have each other."
-Joshua Loth Liebman
"Thank you for giving me something no one else could--yourself."
-Heather Lynch
"Every man is afraid of something. That's how you know he loves you, when
he is afraid of losing you."
"If I had never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I
wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do
and I will."
"If you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life."
"Promise you won't forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never
-Winnie the Poohby A.A. Milne
"I do believe I know most of the best people in the world and you've all made
my life livable..."
-Jon P. Shank
"Each day I am with you is better than the last, and my first day with you
was the best day of my life."
"Never be sad for what is over, just be glad it was once
"You know that place between asleep and awake? Where you still remember
dreaming? That's where I will always think of you."
"If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of
all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you."
"Friends are the part of our family we get to choose"
"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he
knows that you are slightly cracked."
- Bernard Meltzer
The following five quotes were sent in by Kayla.
"I know we'll be friends for life, sharing our dreams together. As we walk
down the road we'll never think twice, our memories will last forever. And
although we're off to different worlds, somehow we're together. And even
though we're far apart, our memories are deep within our hearts. These are
the times to remember, our memories will last...forever more..."
"A friend is someone who helps you when your down, and if they can't, they
lay down beside you and listen"
"I'll remember the things I did for a while, but I'll remember the person I
did them with forever."
"Friendship is like a Christmas tree, decorated with warm memories and shared
joys. You're the slightly cracked ornament that always makes me smile."
"God evidently does not intend us all to be rich or powerful, or great, but
He does intend us to be friends."
"The joy of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship. It is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him."
-Sent in by Emerson
"There are big ships and small ships but there are no ships like friendships."
"Sometimes you just have to turn your back and walk away....Whether you
walking out on your friends, your family, or the love of your
life...Sometimes walking away is the hardest thing to do but the best thing
in the end......."
-Tine MacFarlane
"The best gift in life is knowing that we have someone who loves us
unconditionally, who can makes us laugh, who is there to listen and who warms
our heart. The best gift in life is a best friend."
-Sent in by Beth
"Friends are notes to lifes great songs, a melody that carries you along."
-Sent in by David
"A true friend is there is there to make you laugh even when you feel
like crying."
-Sent in by KT
"A friend's critisism is their own jealousy"
-Sent in by Brie(age 13)
"A real friend is when you can sit alone together and never say a word....and walk away feeling that you have had the best conversation."
"A true friend is someone you can sit on a porch swing with at night and never
say a word but walk away feeling that was the best conversation that you have
two had ever had."
-Sent in by Danielle Fry & Megan Southern
The following two quotes were sent in by Andrea R.
"Friends are the colors in the rainbow of life"
"Friends are like rainbows, they're bright, beautiful, and you feel a smile
when they appear."
"A friendship involves two people without one of those people there is NO
-Sent in by Val
"True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable."
-Dave Tyson Gentry - Sent in by Susan
"Somewhere theres someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your
prescense that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it's true,
somewhere someone is thinking of you"
-Sent in by Claire
The following three quotes were sent in by Julia.
"Do not look for friends to waste your hours. Look for
them to live them"
"Thanks for taking care of my heart without knowing
anithing about cardiology"
"A smile makes richer the one who recieves it without
making poorer the one who gives it"
"Boyfriends come and go but friends are forever."
-Sent in by Ashley
"If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred
minus one day,
So that I'll never have to live
without you"
-Winnie the Pooh
"To the world you may be one person but, to one person you may be the world"
-Sent in by Laura
"Friends are like money, easier made than kept."
-Samuel Butler - Sent in by Jaime Grattenthaler
"A friendship that ended, never began"
-Eric Bochner - Sent in by Jason
"Friendship is, never having to say , you are sorry"
-Sent in by Vinu Menon
"Friendship could be right under your nose but if you are cought up in
yourself you will never find it."
-Sent in by Britney
"And, I'll take with me, the memories to be my sunshine after the rain."
-Sent in by Alyssa Rosio
"People say true friends must always hold hands. But true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there."
-Sent in by Marisa Hart
"To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life, to be a good
friend is one of the noblest and most difficult undertakings"
"Happiness comes from the ones i love, but its strength that comes from the
ones who love me"
"Sometimes in a relationship going through hell isn't so bad if you come out
a little stronger. The same is true about friends."
"A false friend is worse than a true enemy"
"A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down."
"Don't take advantage of your true friends, because sometimes they are all
you have"
" I never thought I'd find someone whose heart could read my mind.."
-Sent in by Gina
The next three quotes are sent in by Jessica
"Many people will walk in and out of your life,But only true friends leave
footprints in your heart"
"Be yourself because the people that mind don't matter and the people that
matter don't mind."
"Friends Are The Angels That Lift Us To Our Feet When Our Wings Have Trouble
Remembering How To Fly"
"I value my friends more than I value my life so when I say you're my
friend it's jst as good as saying you're my life!"
-Sent by Jaymee Syjuico
The next two quotes were sent in by Ron Hall
"Friendship is like a bank.
Don't expect to get to much out if you don't put something in."
"Live like today is your last day,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching."
"True friendship is a knot in which angel hands have tied"
-Sent in by Meghan
"To lose you as a friend...I lost a part of me forever. I would be a stranger to get it back......."
-Sent in by Debra
"We've shared so much laughter, so many tears. We're a spiritual bond that
grows stronger each year. We're not sisters by birth, but we knew from the start,
something put us together to be sisters by heart."
-Sent in by Meghan
"If you don't like the way a friend treats you,
stand up for yourself, but don't treat the next
friend with that same disrespect."
-Sent in by Penny Worner
"True friendship never dies."
-Sent in by Mindy
"The best friend you'll ever have doesn't necessarily have to be the one you
agree with he most."
-Sent in by Erin
"A true friend is someone who makes us do what we can."
-Sent in by Kiara Ivia Strong
"Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life!"
-Sent by Nicole
The next four quotes were sent in by Natalie.
"If you give me a hug you won't regret i'll give you one back so you can't forget."
"The language of friendship is not words but meanings"
"Friendship is the perfect gift, everyone needs and no-one cares if it is given back."
"A hug is the perfect gift, one size fits all, everyone likes them and no-one cares if it is given back."
"Will a cry for you as I die for you, is this blood on my hands all for
-Sent in by candlebox
"I thank you for all the goodness, kindness,honesty and warmth of feeling
that the continuance of our friendship brings."
-Sent in by Franz Liszt
"The only true friend a girl can count on in her life is her daddy, for if
they are real they want cheat or run astray. For always are they there with
open arms as you face a day of fears and suddenly the tears start to flow.
His arms are always there."
-Sent in by Sarah Compton
"A friend will ride in the Limo with you, but a real friend will ride the bus
with you when then limo breaks down."
-Sent in by Joanna
"Good friends will help you move.
REALLY good friends will help you move bodies."
-Sent in by Vega
The next eight quotes were sent in by Erin
Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which I spent my life with
you, sharing our lives and building our friendship
"True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to
have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. To
find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a
"A true friend is one who is concerned about what we are becoming, who sees
beyond the present relationship, and who cares deeply about us as a whole
"A friend understands you even when your thoughts aren`t fitting into words"
"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding
in spite of distances or thoughts expressed. That can make life a garden."
"Real Friendship is the sharing of all that the heart holds inside, it's
and laughter, it's joy and broken dreams. Because friendship dwells in the
heart where time and distance kknow boundaries, it understands the depth of
true feelings and the sound of words unspoken. It is a true gift, for it
connects the heart of soulmates together forever"
"You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in.
You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend."
"What joy is better than news of friends?"
-Robert Browning -Sent in by Rita Eskra
The next three quotes were sent in by Lindzee
"If equal affection cannot be, then let the more loving one be me."
"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!!"
"The pessimist sees a red light
The optimist sees a green light
But the truly wise man is color blind"
"The best conversation between two freinds is a smile"
-Sent in by Rebecca
The next two quotes were sent in by Amanda
"Friends are the flowers in the garden of life."
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
"A man with millions of dollars still is not rich if he has no friends"
-Sent in by Stephanie